xlii. left behind

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shawtee started a chat!
the chat was named "where tf r u"!


hidden angwr is online!

hidden angwr
I'm with Kacchan, Iida, and Kirishima rn
You were suppose to be with Todoroki and Yaoyorozu?? 😰

those hoes left me
whatever ill find my way back 😤
my mommy is looking for me anygays

hidden angwr
Then head home Y/n?

yeye i will
if i find that peppermint bitch ill kick his ass 👊

hidden angwr
Good luck! 😰

thanks bbg

shawtee is offline!

"izuku you're too precious for your own good," you muttered, placing your phone in your pocket.

grumbling, you took another look into the crowd. no sign of the canadian flag or your sugar mommy. even your real mom was no where to be seen.

it sucked being alone.

the crowd stopped moving. of course, you weren't paying attention and ended up running into somebody.

"shit, my bad," you apologized, rubbing your nose to sooth the pain.

the npc grumbled to herself, ignoring you. you gave her a face when she turned around, rolling your eyes after. people are so rude.

you looked to find a huge screen. it was all might fighting all for one live. the crowd's were watching in anticipation, fearful for their symbol of peace.

you scoffed. it was all might. the number one pro hero in-- basically!-- all of the world! no way he could be defeated by some punk without a face.


doubts settled into you. would he actually survive? can he even defeat this monster?

you slapped your cheeks. no way! he's all might! you needed to have confidence for him; to have hope.

if you didn't have hope, who would?

you stared at the screen tentatively. all might was down on the ground, seemingly defeated. the slenderman-wannabe was monologuing once more.

his voice made you sick to your stomach. it was like venom seeping into every orifice of your body. made you wanna die.

more so than normal of course.

someone then tapped your shoulder. you turned around, meeting with a familiar black-haired classmate.

you immediately hugged momo, squeezing the life out of her. "momo! where have you been?"

she awkwardly hugged back, patting you. "we thought you were following us."

you released her, looking behind her to find the canadian flag behind her. shooting him a glare, you turned back to momo.

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