𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 30

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"Time for your demon evaluation!" Shinobu said. I frowned. "That sounds weird" Tanjiro said. "Yeah don't call it that that's scary" I wrote.

"Tell me Y/n while you were away from here did you discover any special abilities that you have!" Aoi asked.

I looked to the side and shook my head. "Hmm!" Nezuko hummed pointing a finger at me. "I'm not lying!" I wrote.

"Okay" Shinobu said eyeing me. "We know you don't like blood but the real question is how can you walking out in the sun?" Aoi asked looking at me.

"Not for a long time though remember she still can't stay out for long! but on the bright side Y/n has been practicing an can almost stay outside for all hours of daylight!" Shinobu said.

"If she can walk out in the sun maybe soon Nezuko will inherit that ability too" Aoi said. Nezuko patted my head. "Wait there was thins thing I did the other night with my hands!" I wrote.

They rose their eyebrows and I put my hands together and pulled them apart making pink threads.

Their eyes widened. "Y/n remember that spider demon" Tanjiro said. I nodded. "I don't think you drank enough medicine" Aoi said eyes wide.

"I mean at least she might have some sick powers" Shinobu said patting my head. Nezuko poked the threads.

"Y/n doesn't that hurt" Tanjiro asked frowning. I shook my head and I let go of the threads. I shifted the threads and created a heart.

"Mmm!!" Nezuko hummed happily. "How did you do that?" Tanjiro said poking the threads. "Can you make a star?" Aoi asked.

I nodded and shifted the threads making a star. "How did you discover this😮" Shinobu asked. I let go of the threads.

"I just put my hands together and it happened" I wrote. Everyone asked me questions about my demon powers for a while but that was pretty much it.

I ran into the dining room with an evil smile. "Obanai! Watch this!" I signed. Obanai rose his eyebrow and looked at me.

I took my Haori to reveal my wings. "They're beautiful right? yeah I know" I signed while smirking.

"Where did those even come from?" He asked. I shrugged. "I can also do this" I signed before shooting a web at the wall.

"So which one are you a butterfly or spider" He asked. "Both" I signed. "That doesn't make any sense" He said.

"Yes it does" I signed. "No it doesn't" Obanai said. "Tomioka! can I be a butterfly and a spider?" I signed.

"What?" He said. "The answer is no" Obanai said. "Then why do I have both!?" I signed. "I don't know!?" Obanai said.

My wings retreated as I sat down at the table. "Can I have a donut" I signed. "No" Obanai said. I hissed at him.

"Don't think I won't cut your head off" Obanai said. "You won't get the chance" I signed. Obanai rolled his eyes.

"Obanai do you think I'll ever be a human again?" I signed. "There could be a chance I guess" Obanai said.

"In the mean time I'll use whatever powers I have to help everyone! I can already almost stay out in the sun for all hours" I signed.

"To be honest the only good thing about you is you're not evil" Obanai said. "Thank you?" I signed.

My eyes brightened and I put my hands together and made a webs. "What are you do-" He stopped when the threads lit on fire.

"So all of a sudden you can commit arson?" Obanai said. I clapped my hands extinguishing the fire.

"I wouldn't commit arson if it wasn't necessary" I signed. "That's not an No" Obanai said. "No it's not a no" I signed.


The next day I decided to stay I stayed with Aoi in the infirmary because I wanted to help her like before.

"Y/n today we're making more medicine because we're low on supply here are the ingredients make sure to follow it carefully!" Aoi said handing me the paper.

I nodded and got all the ingredients on the paper then made sure I had the right amount of everything.

I blended it all together then called Aoi over. "All right! you got everything right! now we're gonna pour all of this into these bottles so we can put them into the medicine cabinet" Aoi said.

We poured it all into individual bottles and started putting them into the cabinet. "That was fun!" I signed.

"Good because we still need one more batch for this" Aoi said. I nodded while smiling. We finished the second batch and put all of it in the cabinet.

"Also help me sort these they've been here for about a week and we never got to it" Aoi said bringing a box of medical supplies into the room.

We sorted them into sections and put them into the supply cabinet. "Alright Y/n that's enough for today! lets go see how Kiyo, and Sumi are doing for now" Aoi said.

A shiver went down my spine. Before I could even turn around someone grabbed me and threw me over their shoulder. 'WHAT TH-' I thought.


Hello! Happy 4th of July!!🙂 UNTIL NEXT TIME! SEE YA!😈

𝐑𝐔𝐍- 𝐊𝐍𝐘 𝐱 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now