𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 90

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I quickly sat up and looked around to see I was in a dark room in the infirmary. I saw glowing foot prints on the ground.

I followed them and stopped at the door when I heard voices. "We have to take her to Urokodaki and Uzui that's where Nezuko is she'll be safe there" I heard Aoi said.

"I can bring he-" Aoi cut Kanao off. "No you have to go help everyone Shinobu, Lady Tamayo, and Yushiro already left! We'll stay with Megumi and Y/n! We need to make sure they're safe" Aoi said.

"I understand... please stay safe I'll see you!" Kanao said before I heard rapid footsteps run down the hall.

I tried to open the door but it was locked. I rapidly struggled with the door knob. "Y/n! is that you!?" I heard Aoi say.

"Aoi open the door!" I said. "No Y/n! listen! we're gonna take you to Urokodaki! you'll be safe there! Okay!" Aoi said.

"NO!! PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR!!" I yelled while trying to open it. "AH!! NO!!" I heard Sumi yell. "YOU NEED TO STAY WITH US IF YOU DON'T WE'LL NEVER FORGIVE OURSELVES!!" Kiyo yelled.

"YOU CAN'T LEAVE IT'S TOO DANGROUS!!" Naho yelled. I moved back a bit then kicked the door open.

"HEY NO!!" Aoi yelled as I ran out of the room I went to the infirmary and the door was looked so I broke the lock and went in.

"LILO!! WE GOTTA GO!!" I yelled while putting on my shoes. "But Lady Tamayo told me to stay here" Lilo said eyes wide.

"LADY TAMAYO AND EVERYONE ELSE!! WILL DIE IF WE DON'T GO!!" I yelled. "I can't they took all the water away from me so I can't make a portal!!" Megumi yelled.

"Use your paint brushes! I have to follow Kanao! I'll see you stay safe!!" I yelled before running down the hall and out of the house.

More glowing foot prints appeared on the ground and I started following them and running as fast as I could.

'I could fly but I think running would be better right' I thought. I started running faster and as I did I could see Kanao running ahead.

As soon as I saw her I quickly sped up and trailed behind her. As I trailed behind her I noticed we were approaching something that looked like a giant building.

When we entered the building more glowing arrows pointing in the opposite direction of where Kanao was going.

'A short cut?' I thought while raising my eyebrow. I quickly followed the arrows. 'I really hope... Lilo's okay' I thought.

I stopped in front of a large door and the arrows started rapidly blinking. 'Thanks weird super vision!' I thought kicking the door open.

My eyes widened when I looked up to see Shinobu stab the rainbow eyes demon from the dreams then start to fall from the ceiling.

I looked to see weird ice like hooks about to pull Shinobu back up to the demon so I quickly sprinted over and pushed Shinobu out of the way.

"NO!!!" Shinobu screamed. I felt myself get pulled up and felt arms wrap around me. I looked up to see the demon and squirmed a bit.

"Aw I see... you're that girl again Y/n! the one Akaza is always talking about! it's sad you didn't get to see him I think he was a fan! You know! Kokushibo also took some interest in you too!" He said while smiling.

I peeked down to see Shinobu wasn't moving on the ground. 'NO NO NO!!' I thought. "Oh I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Douma! And now we can be together forever!" He said while hugging me tighter.

"It's so sad to see your friend down there dying! she tried so hard but I guess her time has come! Muzan would want me to take you for him so I'll keep close to me for now!" Douma said.

𝐑𝐔𝐍- 𝐊𝐍𝐘 𝐱 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now