𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 40

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It was the fifth night in this village and I was on patrol in town. "Tomioka, stay safe in the forest, I'll see you later! take as long as possible!" I signed.

"Y/n you realize you don't have to call me Tomioka right? just call me Giyu" Tomioka said. I made an O shape with my mouth then smiled.

"Okay! see you later!" I signed before he went into the forest. "Is that rat gone?" I looked over to see Yoriichi.

"Yeah he's in the forest patrolling" I signed. "And what are you doing?" Yoriichi asked. "Patrolling here in the village" I signed.

"Isn't it boring?" Yoriichi asked. I shook my head. "Can other people see you?" I signed. "Well yeah I'm letting them," Yoriichi said.

"NO! I WANT TO BE THE ONLY ONE!" I signed before hugging him. "That's too bad," Yoriichi said. "Look a demon" I signed with an evil smile.

It was wearing a cloak but I could still see it's face. I ran after it and grabbed it then dragged it into an alleyway.

"WHAT ARE YOU!? A DEMON TRYING TO KILL DEMONS!?" The demon yelled. "Mhm😊" I hummed.

I jumped up then cut its head off. I smiled when butterflies came out of it's head as I cut it's head off.

"Ew you almost got blood on me" Yoriichi said, raising his eyebrow. "Weren't you a demon slayer!!?" I signed.

"Yeah," Yoriichi said. "You were probably weak!" I signed before smirking. "Please shut up, oh wait!" Yoriichi said. (If only she knew)

"HMPH!!" I hummed before storming out of the alleyway. "My shift is almost over. There are basically never demons out here only in the forests" I signed.

"Is that where you saw the demon?" Yoriichi asked. "Yeah it was scary he had blood on his hands and mouth and he hurt my wrist!" I signed while frowning.

"Do you have to go back into the forest?" He asked. I nodded. "The demon had six eyes right?" Yoriichi asked.

"Why are you asking so many questions?" I signed. "I just wanted to know," He said, looking to the side.

"No, tell me I can smell your lies!" I signed. "I'm not lying though," Yoriichi said. "Okay..." I said, looking at him suspiciously.

"Sus behavior" I signed. "No," Yoriichi said. "Why are you being so boring all of a sudden!" I signed.

"What no I'm not!" Yoriichi said. "Yes you are, you're acting all weird too now!" I signed. "You're exaggerating," Yoriichi said.

"No you were acting all emo for a second" I signed. Yoriichi shook his head and kept walking. I ran after him.

"Why do you walk so fast?" I signed. "I just do," Yoriichi said. I grabbed his arm and pulled his back then walked ahead of him.

"No," Yoriichi said, walking ahead of me. "MMM!!" I hummed while stomping my foot. "You're such a brat," Yoriichi said, walking ahead.

I looked over to see a few girls giving Yoriichi weird looks. "Yoriichi why are they looking at you like that?" I signed.

"Um... let's just say they're sus," Yoriichi said. "Okay" I signed. 'Not sure why they care about a dead guy so much' I thought.

"Hey!" A deep voice said from behind us. We turned around to see a man and a girl. "Yes?" Yoriichi said, raising his eyebrow.

"I couldn't help but notice you were looking at my girlfriend" The man said, narrowing his eyes at him. "I've never seen this woman in my life💀" Yoriichi said.

"Don't bullshit me I saw you" The man said. "I didn't look at her once!" Yoriichi said. "NO! YOU'RE A LIAR!" The lady yelled.

"WHAT!?" Yoriichi yelled.  "I'm so done with this, let's go" Yoriichi said, grabbing my hand. "NO! GET BACK HERE I'M NOT DONE!" The man said, turning Yoriichi around.

Yoriichi pushed his hand off him. "Woah a little bold of you!" The man said. "Can you just leave us alone? I didn't look at her" Yoriichi said.

"Are you calling her a liar?" The man said. "Yes," Yoriichi said. "Anyways we're leaving" He said before turning around.

I felt someone grab my arm and aggressively pull me back. 'OW!😣' I thought. "I said I wasn't done," The man said.

The next time I blinked his hand wasn't on my arm. 'What?' I thought about looking over. I shivered as I felt an extreme hostile aura.

My eyes widened when I saw Yoriichi holding his blade up to the man's neck. "Listen up I don't care about who you are if ever see you again. If I do, I will kill you do you understand" Yoriichi said.

The man just stared at him with a terrified expression. He nodded and Yoriichi put his blade away.

I realized that everyone around us was staring. 'Oh no...' I thought. Yoriichi looked at the lady making her jump.

"You may have a pretty face but deep down you're ugly" Yoriichi said. All the color drained from the lady's face and she started crying.

I flinched as he grabbed my wrist and started speed walking away. The crowd of people watching immediately parted as we walked towards their direction.

He continued walking towards the woods. I shook my head and tried to get away from him. "MMM!!" I hummed while trying to pull away.

I fell down as he let go of me. I started crying and hugged my knees to my chest. I felt Yoriichi wrap his arms around me and hug me.

After a while I stopped crying. "I'm sorry I scared you," He said. I looked up at him and frowned. "I don't feel well so I think I'll go. I'm sorry" Yoriichi said.

Before I could even do anything he was gone. 'I didn't know what to do in this situation... I feel bad now I didn't even do anything...' I thought while looking down.


'Well I guess it's time to find Y/n' I thought going towards the village. I stopped when I saw Y/n next to a tree.

'What? why did she come here so quickly?" I thought. I walked up to her. She looked up at  me and I saw her eyes were watery and puffy and she looked tired.

I sighed. "We can stop patrolling early. Come on, let's go back to the wisteria house" I said. Y/n stood up and we went into the village.

'Why is she so upset?' I thought. "Oh my god did you see that!? that man really pulled out a sword!" A lady said.

"I feel bad for that little girl, she looked terrified" Another person said. "I know right but that rude man and his girlfriend deserved it" Another person said.

'What are they talking about?' I thought. Y/n pulled her hood over her head. 'I swear they're talking about her' I thought.

'I won't ask her about it though she seems upset' I thought. Y/n speed walked towards the wisteria house and went inside as soon as possible.

Like a few nights ago she barely ate her food except she wasn't staring at her hand. "Do you want a donut?" I asked.

She looked at me and shook her head. "Why? Are you okay?" I asked. "I'm fine" She signed before getting up and leaving.

'That's surprising she didn't even want any donuts or anything' I thought. When I went into the room she was sitting on her bed and writing in that notebook he always writes in.

A few minutes later she was done writing she sighed and put her book away but the thing was this sigh wasn't normal.

Do you ever have that sigh when you are having a hard time? You know like maybe too much school work or drama with your friends yeah... that was the sigh.

Y/n was just staring down at her lap. I couldn't tell what her expression was because her hair was covering her face.

"Don't stay up too late, you'll be tired during the day" I said. She didn't respond and stayed in the same position she was in.


ELLO! Thank you so much for reading todays chapter! UNTIL NEXT TIME GUYS! SEE YA!😈

𝐑𝐔𝐍- 𝐊𝐍𝐘 𝐱 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now