Chapter 3

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Mom and I chatted for a few more minutes before we heard the door open and close. Then my dad yelled out 'hello?' Obviously wondering where we were. My mom stood up and looked at me expectantly wanting me to follow her. The thought of telling my dad what happened makes my stomach drop and I shake my head.

"Can you tell him please?" I plead with her. "I can't say it again." I whisper and she nods and pats my cheek a little.

"Of course, baby. You just stay here." She says and makes her way out of my room.

I hear her pad down the stairs and the low rumble of their voices going back and forth for a few minutes before I hear my dad shout 'that fucker!' and a loud growl vibrate the house.

A moment later I hear the front door slam shut, and jump out of my bed to the window. I see my dad stomp over to the alpha house and pound on the front door until our alpha opens it. I open the window, but can't make out what they're saying. I see the alpha clench his fists and hear him scream 'that fucker' as they both take off down the dirt path towards the pack.

My mom opens my door quietly and slips in, slipping her arms around me and tugging me into a tight hug.

"Come on sweetie. Let's go cook some dinner. Sean is coming over too."

"Where'd they go?" I ask glancing at her. A wicked smirk appears on her face.

"Where do you think?" She laughs and I sigh, rolling my eyes.

We were finishing up cooking dinner when my dad and brother strolled into the kitchen my dad marched right up to me and pulled me into a hug.

"It's so good to see you, little one." He says quietly while patting my hair like he always does. I snuggle into his firm, safe embrace and bask in his scent. I never truly feel home until I see my dad.

"I'm sorry about that little prick." He says releasing me and showing me his bloody knuckles. "But don't worry. We taught him a lesson." He says with a glean in his eyes.

"Yep." Sean says showing off his equally destroyed hand and a smug smile on his face. "No one fucks with my little sister like that and gets away with it." He says darkly as he pulls me in for a hug.

"I missed you, you little shit." He says affectionately before pecking my cheek.

"Really?" I ask teasingly. "I thought the beta in training was too high and mighty for us mere mortals now." He scoffs and gives me a gentle nudge away from him.

"And now I remember why I was so happy when you left for school at the end of the summer." He says and I'm about to respond that he's stuck with me for good now when there's a harsh pounding on the front door. My dad and brother look at each other before my dad starts walking towards the door.

"He better not have followed us here like a mangy dog." I hear him mutter before he opens the door.

A visibly bruised and battered Jude stands on the other side and flicks his eyes furiously behind my dad until they catch mine. He breathes a sigh of relief before he tries to push past my dad. My dad pushes him back out onto the porch into the cold night and closes the door slightly so he can no longer see me.

"Please, just let me talk to her." I hear him beg my father.

"You wanna talk to this asshole, baby girl?" My dad shouts over his shoulder at me.

"Nope." I answer without hesitation and my dad chuckles.

"You heard her. Now get." He says trying to shut the door. Jude sticks his foot in between the door and the wall before it closes.

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