Chapter 11

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The next few days I mind my own business, keep to myself a little bit. Jude is strangely absent at the times I figured he would be around the house. Meal times and in the evenings. Which is a shame because he is definitely the better cook of the three of us. Eli said he was staying busy in the pack, trying to give me space. I appreciated it, but I also missed him. Which was a frustrating set of emotions to deal with. I still sleep in Eli's bed at night, even though he complains about how hot it is without his precious window open. My wolf begs me nearly every night for her other mate, but the hurt she feels is enough to override the need to be close to him. If I could scrub the images of Jude and Corinne from my mind, I would.

I stick to training with Eli, Sean and my dad. Jude runs the regular training and from what I've heard Corinne hasn't caused any more issues. I haven't seen her since that day, not that I've gone looking for her. On the third day I decide to visit my friend Jenna, Corinne's little sister, since I haven't really gotten to see her since I've been back.

"How are you still not marked?" She asks with a coy smile when she opens the door. I roll my eyes and pull her into a tight hug.

"I guess I just have mates that respect me." I say with a shrug and wide smile making her laugh.

"Hell yeah you do. Have you heard about Corinne?" She asks and I roll my eyes again.

"I think I've heard enough about and from Corinne to last me a lifetime." I say exasperated and Jenna smiles wickedly, her eyes twinkling with the signature mischief that drew me to her in the first place.

"Then you'll love this. Jude is sending her away. Kicking her out of the pack." She says and I gasp, my eyes widening in shock.

"What?" I ask incredulously and Jenna nods.

"Yeah. I'm surprised he hasn't told you. After her outburst at training the other day he's sending her to other packs, hoping she finds her mate." She says and I gawk at her, not sure how to respond.

"How do your parents feel about this?" I ask and Jenna shrugs.

"They don't really care, honestly. They agree with Jude. Her mate is obviously not in this pack and with the way she's been acting lately, sneaking around and making up lies, they don't blame him for kicking her out." She says and I nod.

"How does she feel about it?" I ask and Jenna snorts before tilting her head back to laugh.

"She is pissed!" She exclaims with an evil cackle. "She thinks it's a bunch of bullshit, but can you really blame Jude? That shit she was spewing the other day? Ugh, gross. Like Jude would ever stoop so low as to sleep with her. She just sounded pathetic." She says and I nod again, deep in thought.

"When is this happening?" I ask.

"Tomorrow. She leaves right away in the morning." Jenna says with a giddy smile. "She's at the packhouse right now with Jude getting instructions on where to go." She says and my hackles rise hearing that she's with Jude. I unmask my bond with him, but all I feel is agitation from him.

"I hate to leave so soon, but I want to talk to him before he makes this decision. I'm gonna run over there quick." I say and Jenna looks at me confused.

"Really? Don't you want her to leave?" She asks and I huff out a laugh.

"Hell yes. But I don't want Jude doing things like this for the wrong reasons. I want to make sure he's growing into a good Alpha, not doing shit like this because it's easier than dealing with things." I say and she nods in understanding.

"Yeah, sure. Go. We can catch up later." She says and I hug her again.

"Tomorrow." I say firmly and she smiles.

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