Chapter 14

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Getting out of bed with Natalie was one of the hardest things I've done, but one of us needed to run patrol and I didn't know how she'd feel waking up alone with me. I sigh and run off from the group to sit and relax for a minute.

They both put a block up against me and I'm not an idiot to what they're doing. I could feel hints of Eli's excitement, but Natalie kept a lock on her emotions. I'm grateful for her doing that, making an effort not to hurt me. But it really didn't bother me. If anything I'm happy for them, exploring this side of their relationship.

I know Natalie is still hurt by what I did, but I feel like she's coming around a little more. In the time after she about short circuited Corinne's mind, her block wasn't up at all and I could feel how conflicted her feelings are. I think if I give her a little more time and space she will be able to forgive me. My wolf is hopeful as well. We want her so much, and now that we know she's gifted there's no way we could ever reject her. She needs both of our protection. A wolf's life span is long and if I need to spend a few months or years earning back her trust then I will. Nothing in this life is worth throwing away a mate bond by rejection.

I get up and head back to the house now that Eli's block is down. I didn't want to ruin a special moment between them. I sneak in the house and try to stay quiet, but nearly run into Natalie as she walks down the stairs. She lets out a squeak of surprise and nearly falls, so I grab her around her waist to keep her upright. She smells like her shampoo and I know she showered already and my heart warms that she's trying to hide her intimate moment with Eli to spare my feelings.

"Hey, Jude. How was patrol?" She asks and I shrug, pulling off my shirt to throw it in the laundry room since it's sticky with sweat.

"Fine. Nothing exciting. You feeling better?" I ask, trying to keep the sly smirk off my face. She narrows her eyes at me and then turns to go to the refrigerator.

"Yes. I had a nice nap." She says and I snort, unable to hold back the laughter. Her mouth gapes before she narrows her eyes at me again and struts over to me, poking me in my chest.

"What are you laughing about?" She asks and I shrug.

"Nothing. You just have exciting naps is all." I say and she gasps at my words.

"You couldn't feel anything. I blocked you." She says and I shrug.

"I'm not stupid, Nat. Besides, Eli's blocks aren't as good." I say and her face falls.

"I'm sorry." She murmurs and I shake my head, gripping her chin and lifting her eyes to look at me.

"You have nothing to be sorry for." I say honestly, letting her feel it through our bond.

"You're not mad?" She asks and I shake my head.

"Of course not. I want you to want him." I say gently and she sighs, her eyes dropping to my chest and flashing black for a moment before she shakes her head, pushing her wolf back until they flash to green. I can't help my smug smile that she is attracted to me.

"Could you put a shirt on?" She huffs and I laugh a little, running my fingers along her jaw.

"Why? You could take yours off and we'd match." I say and she snorts out a laugh, shaking her head.

I back away from her, still chuckling, and go to the fridge to get her a bottle of water. I grab one for myself and pull out a chair for her to sit in, not wanting her to leave yet.

"You hungry? I could cook." I offer and she nods, her eyes brightening.

"Yes please. Eli and I are terrible in the kitchen." She says and I chuckle, kissing her head before going back to the fridge.

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