14 - Emotions

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(Hailey's POV)

I know I'm supposed to be upset at Alex or whatever but the only thought going through my head right now as I stare at the tv in my room is...

That was so fucking hot!

Who knew the nerd had balls! He's the first person to ever talk to me like that and to be honest I'd probably put that person in their place immediately.

However with Alex I had no intention of hurting him, quiet frankly I find this side of him pretty bad ass and I gotta see more!

My phone's ring tone snap me out of my thoughts and I answer without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I say into the machine.

"hi sweetie, I didn't think you were gonna pick up" I hear my mother's overly high voice come from the other side.

"i didn't look at the caller ID, cause believe me if I did, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now. I snap "what do you want?"

"i wanted to know how you've been, we haven't seen each other for almost 2 years"

"well things wouldn't be this way if you had just stayed with us mother." I hear her sigh deeply.

"Hailey you know I have to travel for my work, its as hard for me as it is for you sweetie, I miss you and your father so very much" lies lies and more lies.

"no, you don't miss us Mrs Jessica Harvard!! If you did you wouldn't have remarried and started a whole new family without having the guts to come clean to dad!..he just thinks you're power hungry for your business, little does he know your a filthy social climber, marrying famous men for clout! " I scream into the phone.

"wha- how did yo- how do you know?" she asks, obviously not expecting me to know about her second family.

I scoff "my father deserves so much better than you Jessica now leave us alone! " I ended the call breathing heavily.

I look up to see my father standing in the door way, eyes wide. He had heard everything...... I cautiously get off the bed and walk over to him, when I was close enough I throw my arms around him in a warm embrace.

After a few seconds I hear it. The sobs. My father, the only person I care about in the whole entire world was crying in my arms.

"I'm so sorry dad, I should've told you" I whisper as tears escape my eyes.

He holds onto me tighter crying his eyes out. I slide us down onto the floor and hum a song we used to sing together when I was a kid, hoping it would soothe him.

(Alex's POV)
I slowly make my way up the stairs with my now clean clothes, holding onto the railing for dear life. I enter the room closing the door behind me.

I put away the clothes and having nothing else to do, walk over to a box in the corner of the room that held my most prized possessions.

I sit on the floor and lift the lid off the box. A smile graces my face as I look over the stuff in the box. My harry potter book collection that mom and dad had gifted me on my 15th birthday, and I am proud to say my harry potter knowledge is like no other! I chuckle lightly at my own joke... I'm such a loser.

Further in the box is a framed photo of me and mom stuffing our faces with cotton candy at the town fair. I stare at the picture for a while, all the fun times I had with my mother resurfacing my memory. I push them back down not wanting to get emotional and continue going through the box.

The next item was a music box my dad had gifted me. It had a tiny ballerina that you'd spin and she'd start playing the tune....

I love you...
A bushel and a peck,
A bushel and a Peck and a hug around the neck...
A hug around the neck and a barrel and a heep...
A barrel and a heep and I'm talking I'm my sleep about you...

I have absolutely no idea what it means but I didn't have to, my mom and my dad on either side of me tucking me in and softly singing along with me was enough assurance of that. God knows I wish I knew what it meant now.

I place the lid back on the box and go over to the mattress covering myself in my thin sheets. Trying not to think about my mom, nor what would happen at school tomorrow.

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