40 - Horrible pick up lines

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"Finally!" I exclaim under my breath, plopping down back into my seat to admire my masterpiece.

I am currently in the hospital with Hailey, trying to groom her hair. You know, YouTube makes a ponytail look so easy when its really not! This took me 20 minutes to do and its literally sticking off the side of her head.....Oh well.

I sit in the bland room in silence just watching her. She had lost a lot of weight in the past month, and her skin lost its golden colour. Her usually perfectly manicured nails were tainted with the sloppy pink nail polish that I had put on myself and I'd rather we not talk about the hair.

But on the bright side her concussion is gone, her leg and back is healing nicely, and her scars are fading.

Sighing, I reach over and take her hand in mine, kissing it softly, over and over.

"I miss you so much Hails, You don't know how hard it's been, I'd give anything to hear your voice right now even if its an argument. Remember that one time when..."

"Hails! are you gonna come back or what?" I shout. We were in the game room playing ludo and Hailey was having her ass given to her! No wonder she's trying to get away.

I get up from the sofa and silently exit the game room, a couple hallways and doors later, I was back in the living room where Hailey and Jase sat talking to each other.

"Are you ever going to let him know?" Jase whispers, but loud enough for me to hear.

"I will tell Alex, besides I don't think its that much of a big deal anyways" Hailey shrugs

They're talking about me. What does Hailey have to tell me?

"Hailey, you need to tell him soon, now go he must be wondering where you are"

"shit!" I mumble under my breath and quickly turn to go back to the game room before Hailey saw me. But just my luck, I bump into the little coffee table pressed to a side of the hallway and it falls over.

"Alex?" I hear my girlfriend's voice from behind me.

I turn around slowly, acting nonchalant.

"Sup babe"

Okay, maybe not so nonchalant.

"uhhh what are you doing?" she asks gesturing to the coffee table.

"uh..I was uh, sitting on it! Yea I was sitting, on the coffee table and it fell over, guess I'm pretty heavy huh"

I mentally face palm myself. I'm terrible at this.

"okayyyy, well let's go back to the game room then" Hailey drawls awkwardly, passing me.

I walk behind her, trying not to think about it. But I couldn't help myself.

What is Hailey is hiding from me?

"Oh come on Alex! This is the third time you've lost, it's like you're not even trying!" Hailey says, eyeing me.

"what- oh sorry" I say, coming back to reality.

"whats going on with you? " Hailey asks, pushing the game aside.


"Don't lie to me Alexander" she says sternly.

I let out a deep sigh " I overheard you and Jase talking about me just now, what are you hiding something from me Hails?" I ask, looking straight into her eyes.

We sit there in silence, holding each other's intense gaze. Until she finally speaks up.

"okayyyy, ummm I'm gonna tell you but you can't get mad"

I raise my eyebrow questioningly "no promises" I say.

She sighs, "Dad and I were talking about my inheritance." she says, playing with her fingers in her lap.

Inheritance? "What inheritance?"I ask confused.

"My grandparents were very rich people, they had successful businesses all over the world. During one of their biggest deals, their must trusted employee, who was also a family friend, betrayed them, and they lost almost all their money. The rest that was left was still a fairly large amount that could grant them a more thsn exquisite lifestyle, but was still nothing to the fortune they had lost. Soon my parents had me and when my mother took off my grandparents became extremely worried about the life I would live. Sooo, they put the money away and they agreed with father that I was to get it whenever I needed it. Luckily dad turned out to be as successful as they were and the need for my inheritance never came up. Still I was adamant that when I left highschool I didn't want to work a day in my life, my father didn't necessarily agree, but said it was my inheritance and I could have it. That was until you came into the picture, and we were forced to work together on that project. My father threatened that if I didn't befriend you, I wouldn't have my inheritance." Hailey ended the story.

"So you only became friends with me because of your inheritance?" I ask, staring blankly into space.

"That was back then, I was stupid and stuck up." She scoots closer to me, and holds my hand entwining my fingers with hers. "But now you're not just my friend, you're my boyfriend, my everything"

Tears fill my eyes, I know that Hailey loves me, and I know she's sorry, but I just can't shake the fact that she was basically forced to talk to me. If Jase hadn't made that threat we probably wouldn't even be here right now, she probably wouldn't even be my girlfriend, or love me like how she does now. Just imagining my life without her makes me sad and upset.

"Im sorry Hails, but I just need some time" I say standing up, unclasping our hands.

"Wha- why?" she asks hurt.

"i just do, okay" I say. I kiss her cheek and exit the game room.


"Yeah, looking back at it now, I kinda sorta overreacted." I chuckle.

The corners of Hailey's mouth, pulls up into a faint smile, but disappears as quickly as it came.

My heart starts to pick up pace.

Did Hailey just smile?

I rush out of the seat and sit on the bed beside her squeezing her hand.

"Hailey, did you just smile??? Can you hear me??

Her body remains motionless and an idea quickly forms in my head.

"Hails remember those horrible pick up lines I used to tell you?" I ask, chuckling myself at the memory.

Once again the corner of her mouth forms a smile and goes away just as quick as the first one.

"Oh my god!!! You can hear me! DOCTOR!!" I rushed out of the room into the corridor yelling for a doctor. In a split second a couple of nurses and a doctor came running towards me, I quickly gesture for them to come Into the room.

I rush back into the room myself to see Hailey, sitting up, her eyes wide open.

Welll...... Guess who's awake.
Author ~•~

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