17 - We did it

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(Hailey's POV)
Its now Monday morning and I wanted to go to school today for some unknown reason. I get ready and head downstairs, really surprised to see my father in the living room watching tv with a coffee in hand. "morning dad" I greet him. He's been less like his usual outgoing self. Just moping around the house or cooped up in his bedroom for hours.

"morning Hailey" he said nonchalantly. "you seem to be in a good mood?" he asked curiously eyeing me. "Why because I'm up early? I can wake early you know" I scoff

"could've fooled me" he retorts going back to his programme.

I quickly eat the breakfast Linda set out for me and grab my keys and purse and head to the front door.

"By the way Hailey how's it going with Alexander? I hope you remember what I had said." he drawled, not looking from the tv.

"its going fine dad were....friends" it feels so weird saying that out loud.

"Wait really?? I didn't say you had to become friends with him, just treat him somewhat humanely" his eyes were wide as saucers, apparently he wasn't expecting this news.

"i know what you said...there's just something about him that makes me want to know him more, can't put my finger on it though" I say the last part mostly to myself, why is it that I want to know Alex?

"well, I'm sure you'll figure it out soon" he assured. I nod at him and was about to leave when

"Hailey the assignment" an amused smirk on his face.

"oh shit!" and I dash back upstairs.

We were seated at our usual table in the cafeteria when I suddenly remembered something.

"Eh hem" I clear my throat getting everyone's attention. "i wanted to remind you guys that as we have a match coming up soon" the boys nod, "ladies we're gonna have practice a few days of the week Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays meaning today after school...got it?" They reply in a series of "yes"and "sure" and I go back to eating my salad.

"So I'll get to see y'all in those sexy skirts " Asher winked at the girls making them squeal and sat in the seat next to me.

"And where have you been? we rarely see you anymore " I state. It is true, he keeps showing up late and he didn't show up at the hangout last Friday either. Weird.

"just busy with stuff " he shrugged brushing it off. I drop the conversation for now but I'll get to the bottom of this one way or the other.


"Well that's the bell, see yah after school ladies" I say standing up and exit the cafeteria. I'm actually really excited to know what grade Alex and I got on the model, thus my quick exit. But I held my composure in the halls keeping my face expressionless.

I enter the classroom and see no one was here yet, except a boy in the back corner of the room. I go sit beside him and notice how his leg was bouncing up and down at an incredible speed.

"nervous?" I ask

"yeah I kinda need a good grade on this" his leg bouncing even faster now.

I place my hand on his leg, pausing the movements. "Alex get a grip will you?"

"easier said than done" he replied dryly.

At that moment the classroom started to fill and I quickly remove my hand from his leg.

"So class I graded your models this morning when you brought them in and I admit I was fairly impressed by some, others not so much" I could swear I heard Alex whimper.

"the students who get B+ up, will go to our trip for the next assignment free of cost!" Mr smith announced. A few cheers erupted around the classroom at this but Mr Smith shushed them down and began calling out the grades.

"Abigayle and Chad, C"

"Rachel and Alias, B-"

"Amy and Daisy, B"

Hailey and Alexander, A.. and I must say that is a work of art, good job you two" Mr smith congratulate us. I turn to Alex with a big smile on my face.

"see you did it!!!" I say to him punching his shoulders lightly.

He turned to me with a soft smile gracing his face and a look in his eyes i couldn't quiet decipher .

"nah....we did it"

(Alex's POV)

Ahhh I am literally squealing inside my head like I a girl right now!! We got an A! Which means that I got a better grade than I thought I would... And I get to go on the trip!

Pupils were now filing out of the classroom as the bell had rung and Hailey rushed of muttering something about cheer practice.

I purposely stayed back so I could talk to Mr Smith about the trip, hoisting my bag unto my back I make my way up to his desk.

"uh sir? A minute please" I ask politely.

He looked up from his computer, and smiled when he saw me "Anything for my star student "


"i wanted to ask about the arrangements for the trip? You see I kind of zoned out when you were talking about it cause I was sure I wouldn't go, but now I think I might ..." I explained to him.

"yes yes sure" he pushed back his chair from his desk a bit.

"Students will be taken to several places Friday and over the weekend and will be expected to write a very thorough essay on them, in your pairs of course"


He further went on to explain..."The places however aren't really close to here and will take a few days so we will stay at a hotel until the trip is finished. "

A hotel?! Why am I just hearing about this!??

"And since you and miss Lena and another pair scored over a B+ your expenses will be covered if you wish them to be" he added.


"thank you sir" I said and left the classroom.

*comment comment comment lovlies*


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