Chapter One

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I know I said I was going to edit this story but I never got around it & I decided to post it as it is because it's been a year and if I rewrite this, it'll lose its magic. I improved ever since I wrote Worth The Fight,  and if I leave it as the first draft, I'll come here and see the change in my writing.

Therefore, take this into consideration while reading this. This story is not edited.


"Better to be strong than pretty and useless."
― Lilith Saintcrow, Strange Angels

* * *


Keeping calm is the hardest ever - even harder than Maths.

Especially, when Megan Holland, I-have-the-biggest-boobs cheerleader, intentionally hits me at the shoulder while passing by through the corridor. I immediately fixate my gaze on her, and simultaneously she smirks at me. In that moment, when I think a sorry won't suffice, she smirks at me - at Jack Pierce.

"Your sank-in-makeup face looks so entertained for my liking, Holland." I deadpan. She chuckles, patting my shoulder playfully - where does she find the courage? Then, she spins on her heels and walks at her locker as if I haven't just made a sarcastic comment. My eyes are locked on her, I'm planning for several death plans with gritted teeth.

There I am ready to go after her, knocking her head against her locker or tucking her inside her locker and lock it - but lucky for her, I catch Mr. Richardson's eyes on me - firm and suspicious. I smile at him in return, and he rolls his eyes at me. Even though I don't give a shit of what he would do to me, I walk away from Megan, for now.

Walking at the corridors is another torture - because I have to glare at every single person I exchange looks with, and it is a tiring process. A person as lazy as I am shouldn't attempt to be the enemy of everyone. Frankly, I didn't seek everyone's enmity - it's just happened. When I argued with dickheads who are like the popular circle of school, the lower circles started to go against me - believe me, I was sad at first. It is like a king losing the support of his folk. Because I believed some people liked me at school - yet, no one does.

Later, the nervous glares and sarcasm turned into harsher methods like punches and kicks. I knew it was wrong but it was an urge - it still is - that the way he or she looks at you or the way they talk makes you lose control of what you're doing. At first, it was just that - my weakness not to be able to control myself. Then, as I started to get loose, it became a way of entertaining myself. I liked the way people suffered - those painful moans, the horrified looks and sometimes bloody faces. I see those scenes as the reflection of my inner - chaotic.

I've never got suspended though. It is surprising but believe me, threats work. "Would you want to get another bruise on your pretty face? Tell anyone what happened, then you are dead." Everyone knows who causes the trouble - a.k.a me - but no one tells teachers. Stupid and scared people - totally my favourite.

Megan is like the wicked witch of that forementioned famous circle and if Richard wasn't her boyfriend, she wouldn't be who she is now. Richard is all she trusts and the proof is her previous daring and disgusting smirk at me. She isn't scared of me because she knows her boyfriend will stand up and protect her. Yet I'm not scared of her knight in shining armor, either. Not even a tad bit.

This is why I have her tucked in the girls' bathroom, after school when everyone is gone.

We have a common class before school so I make sure to keep myself awake during the class not to miss her, and when the lesson is done, I grasp her arm and drag her with me. She murmurs some 'what the hell' and 'leave me' during the way but she just gulps down when I bring her and lock the door behind myself - yes, I stole the key. "If - if you touch me, I'll make sure Richard kills you and..."

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