Chapter Fifteen

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"Granny Sheeran told me when I'm looking for a partner to fall in love with their eyes cause eyes are the only things that don't age, so if you fall in love with their eyes you'll be in love forever."

― Ed Sheeran

Dedication: @determinants (because she loves Maths, Taylor Swift and this story.)



Being at home is another story. Mum welcomes me inside, with the bright smile she always manages to wear, and as I walk in, I smell the delicious odour spreading from the kitchen. She clearly knows how to conquer my heart - by my stomach. I wear my sneakers off and push them under the mini table at the hall, and hang my coat. She takes my bag from me, putting it onto the couch, in turn, leading me toward kitchen.

When I notice the cookies on the plate, I gasp. "Cookie." I look at her in disbelief. She slightly nods and I lean in to grab one with the childish excitement. I quickly take a bite and let the chocolate taste fill my mouth. God, how much I love food.

"How was your day?" She asks; while we are sat on the table. I am eating and she is watching with a content face. I think she eventually likes the idea of being a mother. Perhaps it was the problem with Mum. She didn't care enough because she wasn't ready to be a mother. I once heard (eavesdropped) their conversation about how I was an unexpected surprise. They weren't even considering marriage yet. But since I appeared in the scene, it pushed both of them into a serious relationship and finally, marriage.

Mum never hated me though. She never behaved hatefully towards me, neither did Dad, but there was always a wall between us that they didn't allow me to pass through. I get it now. At those times, I used to hate them. It wasn't - isn't - my fault that they were too neglected and Mum got pregnant. I was the mere victim in this. But now, I think if it ever happened to me, I wouldn't be as courageous as Mum to keep the child. I don't know - it is a heavy responsibility. But I'd probably keep it anyway because it is a living, it deserves to live.

"Good," I manage to reply between the bites, shooing my thoughts. "it was okay."

"You seem better," she agrees. "Did you sort it out - what bothers you, I mean."

"Not really." Maybe she can help me - she is experienced after all.

"What is bothering you, sweetie?" I might warn her about those sweetie/honey words. But I let it slide for the moment.

"Well, it is complicated."

"We can find a solution," she replies couragingly.

I look at her hesitantly. "You know Calvin," she nods, "he indirectly confessed he likes me."


"And," I keep on. "I don't know what to say."

"To him or to me?"

"Both. I don't - I want to stay friends, Mum. He is going to screw things up."

She looks at me, bemused. "He acted brave enough to say that he likes you. I don't see why this could ruin anything at all."

"Because I don't want to lose him," I blurt out. "And I technically lost him already."

"Oh, Jack," she chuckles, "do you like him back?"

I glare at her. "Why is it important?"

"Because if so, just let him try."

"Why are you so supportive? Be a true mother and tell me that boys hurt girls."

Worth The Fight ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz