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I think they want to annoy Paul a little because we're doing zip lining today and of course not right over the ground, we're doing it in 100 meter.

"Why do we have to do so much with heights" Paul whines. "I thought Lia cured your fear" Justin laughs. "I never said that" he says annoyed. "But I helped you, right?" I look at him. "Definitely but I'm still afraid" he looks at me. "I mean I would help you and do it with you again but I don't think we're allowed to do it together" I say a bit disappointed. "Well then I guess I have no other choice" Paul smiles sarcastically.

"I will go and get my packed lunch" I distract from the topic and stand up. "Can you get mine too?" Justin asks lazy. "Okay" I take a step forward. "Mine too please" Paul grins at me. "Okay I'm just gonna grab you all's packed lunches" I roll my eyes and make my way to the tables where all the little bags are.

How much do I need? I count in my head how many people we are. Nine people with me. I never realized how many we are.

I arrive the tables and try to fit all of the packed lunches in my hands or arms. It's really not that easy even tho they're small.

"Do you eat them all alone?" Theo jokes and stands now next to me. "Yeah no I'm not like that anymore" I joke. "Anymore?" He looks at me confused. Shit. "Just a joke, now help me" I chuckle. He takes some out of my hands and arms and we both go to the others again.

"You can't even grab a few little packed lunches?" Justin widens his eyes jokingly when me and Theo approach them. "Oh shut up" I throw one packed lunch unintentionally in his face. "Oh shit sorry" I laugh.

He then throws the bag at me too but before it can hit my face Theo catches the lunch right in front of my face. "Oh my god" I say shocked and look at Theo who smiles proud. "You had to ruin the fun, had you?" Justin says disappointed because he couldn't get me back. "No problem" Theo smiles and gives me the lunch. "Thanks" I smile at him. "Disgusting" Justin says disgusted.

I throw the lunch at Justin again for ruining the moment. This time he doesn't just throw the lunch back, instead he stands up and starts to chase me. I run away from him with a little squeal. "it wasn't even hard" I shout and and laugh at the same time. "I'm gonna get you and this time your hero can't help you" he shouts from behind me. I don't respond because I'm trying not to give up.

Then I feel his arms around my body, catching me. But instead of both of us standing on the ground, we fall to the ground. We both look at each other shocked but after we know that none of us is hurt we start to laugh.

"Sorry, I tripped" he laughs. "I deserved that" I laugh. "We both did" he laughs and rubs his head, probably because he landed on it. I get up and hold out a hand for him to take. "Thanks" he takes it and stands up. "You alright?" I say chuckling. "Yeah but now I know how bad you must have felt when Liam tackled you" he chuckles. "Yeah that hurt" I say remembering the pain.

We both go back to the others who all look at us like we did something really weird. "I can't with you both" Liv laughs. "Everything good? That looked painful" Paul asks us. "I'm good but Justin hit his head" I look at Justin. "I mean it hurts but I'm fine" he shrugs it off.

"Really? I can ask a supervisor for some ice" Paul suggests. "I'm fine Paul" Justin chuckles.

"Not trying to interrupt but we should get on the bus" Jacob says and looks at his phone. "Well let's go then" Caleb says and stands up. We all grab our packed lunches and go to the bus.

"You already have a bruise" Theo points to my arm as we both sit down next to each other. "Where?" I look at my arm. He then takes my arm and lifts it up so I can look at the bruise. "There" he points at it. "It's huge oh my god" I didn't even feel it. "Looks painful" he chuckles. I touch it and yes it is painful. "Why would you touch it? If it's that huge than you already know that it's painful" he chuckles. "I wanted to see how painful it is" I try to justify myself. "Sure" he doesn't believe me.

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