Part 4: The Plan

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We lost them, but they're bound to be searching for you. Is there somewhere you want me to take you?

Tanner's words hang around in the back of mind all night, even while I'm sleeping. Where can we go where they won't find us? And more importantly, is there somewhere we can actually afford to stay? I toss and turn, and then it hits me.

My family's cabin.

We abandoned it long ago, but it was never sold. Surely it's still standing there. It might be pretty disgusting, but we can make it a suitable place to stay in. I know the basics of survival from when dad taught me one weekend at the cabin. I can start fires, treat wounds, hunt animals, and make food, so we should be fine if we stay there.

I turn around in my bed and see Tanner staring straight at me. We just freeze for a moment, as if one of us wants to say something.

He adjusts himself so he's on his back and closes his eyes, so I stay on my side facing him close mine too.


The sound of the hotel alarm clock yanks me out of my slumber. I whine and shove my head under the pillow. The sound of Tanner fumbling around the nightstand between us reaches my ears and the clock finally stops.

Soon enough, I'm watching the news in my bed while Tanner is showering. I already showered right before him, so any possible evidence of blood that was on me is now gone. My clothes are black, so I just used soap and cold water.

Just as Tanner comes out, wearing the same clothes as yesterday with a towel around his neck, the news switches to a photo of me with my hood up in the middle of running from the police.

I slap my hand over my mouth and move to the edge of my bed. My eyes are glued to the screen and I feel Tanner sit down next to me.

"An unidentified female of around the height 5'5 made an on-foot escape from the police last night at approximately 11:34pm. She was wearing a black sweatshirt with black leggings and gray sneakers. If you think you see her, call 911 and keep your distance, as she may be armed. Moving to more recent events-"

I grab the remote and turn off the TV. God knows how many people have been sent to find me after last night's events.

"I'll leave my shirt in the bathroom. It's a white T-shirt, so it'll keep them off your trail for now."

My eyes widen for a brief second, then I look at Tanner and nod.


We shut the car doors and Tanner starts the engine. Then I remember the thoughts that were going through my head the night before.

"I can give you directions to my family's cabin, it's pretty remote so we have a good chance of staying there for a while."

"That sounds good."

I smile and look forward. "You're gonna take a right when you leave the parking lot."

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