Part 17: With a New Dawn Comes a New Mission

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'Alright, so," I start, Ray intensely focusing on me. "We need to leave somewhat of a trail so we can find our way back. Anything we find laying around should work, we can arrange things to seem unnatural so we can follow them back here."

"We should avoid drawing in the dirt and whatnot, just in case it rains and washes away the prints." He fidgets with a piece of grass, letting the cool breeze of the early dawn mess up his hair without bothering to fix it.

I use a stick to draw a bunny's face in the dirt, knowing it'll dry up in a few hours after a long storm throughout the night.

Ray grabs the stick from my hand and draws the body, both of us fighting to keep our eyes open.

"I'll never get used to waking up early," I mutter while he finishes the feet.

He responds with a yawn, stretching out his arms above his head and behind his back.

"Welp, let's grab our things and get going." I lightly slap my knees and stand up from the porch steps, reaching into the front door of the cabin and pulling out a small bag of supplies we prepared.

I start to walk and hear Ray's footsteps close behind. He catches up to my side and we match our strides subconsciously, making small yet comfortable conversation.

A few minutes later, I turn around and see the cabin is now out of view. "Time to set up a landmark," I say while searching for something to use.

I'm trying to decide what to use, and I hear a voice behind me.

"Done." I turn around to see Ray smiling, and look on the ground beside him to see a smiley face made of stones.

"It's so small..." I gather more stones to add to it, trying to make it more visible for us.

"That's what she said," he says, followed by a light snort.

I give him a disgusted look and can't help but burst into laughter. We organize the stones to make a bigger, more noticeable arrangement. "Alright, let's keep going."


Chief Marcus POV


"Chief Marcus!" An employee of mine knocks on my door quickly, making me jump.

"Come in!" I call out. The door clicks and my employee steps in, a somewhat frightened look on his face. "What's the matter? I have work to do."

"We may have found your son, Ray Marcus, chief." I jump up out of my seat and walk to him with loud footsteps.

"WHERE?!" I bark, making him flinch.

"W-we think he's with Adora Green, sir."

Adora Green... That runaway murderer from a few weeks ago?! My son with her?!

"Where the hell are they, then?!" My patience is running thin and this guy's neck is looking like the perfect thing to strangle right now.

"We believe they are in northern California, where Adora Green's old family cabin is. We ran the license plate of the car she went into and it was Ray's vehicle. Someone reported that they found the car in California, so our detective team looked into it and found out about the family's old cabin, sir."

I stay silent, processing the information. After a few moments, I give him orders. "Get the biggest team you can find and send them on a flight with me to northern California. I want to be there in two days at the most. Before I leave, I need to pay someone a visit."

He nods firmly making eye contact with me. "Anything else, sir?"

"Get out," I growl. His eyes widen and he nods, hurrying outside my office and shutting the door behind me.

Seeking refuge with a girl? Pathetic.


Noah POV


The days passing by in the house are getting boring as hell. Anytime I want to leave and buy groceries or something, a cop has to escort me. There's literally no reason to keep me cooped up in here.

I'm honestly convinced that the law system of this city has something personal against me.

I flinch slightly at the doorbell and get up, walking towards the front door.

I make a horrible mistake of not looking through the peephole, and I open the door to see the face of the police chief. He has his arms crossed while tapping his foot, staring me down.

"Can I help you?" I ask, half-joking and half-serious.

He pushes past me and walks all the way down our hallway, and I quickly follow after him. He enters Adora's room and starts throwing things around, seemingly searching for something.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?!" I cry out and pull him out of her room. He shoves me into the wall, leaving me confused. "Do you even have a warrant? Or probable cause?"

A look of unfortunate realization flashes over his face and is immediately replaced with anger. He doesn't even have the right to come in here!

"We found your sister, son." I can practically hear venom dripping through his words and it feels like a horse kicked me in the chest.

"No you didn't." I give him a threatening glare and have to stop myself from throwing a punch when he lets out a laugh.

"We're going to arrest her in two days and take my son back."

"You mean Ray Marcus?" I question with a cocked eyebrow.

"None of your business." He throws his foot down on mine and leaves me hopping and grimacing in pain, shutting the door behind him and driving off.

Sh*t. Wherever you are, Adora, get the hell out of there.

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