Part 15: What Do We Do?

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Adora POV


    My fists tightly clenched the back of Ray's shirt. The coyote is sniffing the area suspiciously. It knows we're here.

    Ray and I are staring it down, praying to every god out there that it won't find us.

    We weren't so lucky.

    It lets out a low growl sending shivers down our spines and starts to stalk towards us. Right before it lunges, Ray grabs me and moves us to the left behind a tree, trapping me between his arms.

I close my eyes and press my back into the tree-trunk when we hear a bark and growl, then the coyote breaking through the bushes.

    It starts to walk away from us and we quickly and quietly grab our bows and arrows from the ground. As we quietly walk the opposite directions back towards the cabin, my foot lands on a twig which lets out a firm snap.

    It turns around and perks its ears, baring its teeth at us. More so, at me.

    Ray's hand grabs my upper arm and we start to book it through the forest. Barking and snarling floods our ears along with the sounds of our own panting. I can't tell if I'm breathing fast from running or if I'm hyperventilating from panic.

    I'm so caught up in trying to get far away that I don't notice the log on the ground underneath a bunch of leaves. My foot catches it last second and I fall forward, my bow and arrows flying out of my hands. I let out a yelp as a burning, sharp pain radiates through my ankle.

    I look behind me and see it running towards me. I scream and brace myself for the horrible pain that's to come, and suddenly the sound of a bark and a whimper replaces the expected sound of my own screams.

    I look up and see the coyote passed out, an arrow sticking out of its chest. I hear my bow and arrows being picked up behind me and a pair of strong arms wrap around my torso.

    Suddenly I'm being carried bridal-style through the woods tightly holding onto him, watching the now-dead coyote disappear as we stray farther and farther from its body.


Ray POV, one hour later


A hiss of pain escapes Adora's mouth when I barely even press on her bruised-ankle. I mutter an apology and carefully move her ankle to a right angle.

"I don't think it's broken," I sigh and wince at how big the bruise is.

"Sure feels like it," she groans, trying to move her ankle in small circles to relieve the pain. "It should be fine, but I can't walk on it for a few days, even if I want to."

We sit in silence as I gently massage the joint, since it's all we have due to the lack of ice and first aid. She's sitting on the sofa and I'm on the floor in front of her.

"I don't believe that you shot it that quickly," she speaks up with an interrogative tone.

"I didn't," I answer. "I just grabbed an arrow and stabbed it."

"Thank you. Again." She giggles and suddenly winces when I touch a tender spot on the bruise.

"Sorry. And I'll keep protecting you again and again if I have to. Like I said a few days ago, I'm the wise protector of the beloved." I smile up at her and she turns away, giving me a shy giggle.

She leans down and hugs me, keeping her foot off the ground. I wrap my arms around her and rub her back. I feel her smile that was in the crook of my neck slowly fade as she loosens her hold.

I suddenly hear some sniffling. Very light and obviously stifled, but she begins to shake. My heart shatters. I can only imagine what's going through her mind, now.

    She's almost been killed by a coyote twice, has an injured ankle with no first-aid for miles, and is nowhere near her family or friends anymore.

She reaches the point of full blown sobbing and I maneuver myself onto the sofa next to her, not letting her go for even a second. I just rock her back and forth and let her cry, shedding a few tears myself in the process.


Adora POV, ??? hours later


I wake up feeling all congested, scrunching my nose and feeling the dry tear stains on my cheeks. There's a lit storm lantern next to me with a note and a plate of meat.


I cooked this for you, hopefully it tastes okay. I'm outside watching the stars.


Oh, jesus. I just cried my eyes out for god knows how long. He must think I'm an absolute laughingstock from seeing those tears and snot. I grab a chunk of meat off the plate and eat it.

Pretty damn good. It's fish, a whole meal's worth of it. I quickly gobble down the fish over the span of ten minutes and carry the lantern with me.

I step down the porch stairs and see Ray laying down in the grass. I lay next to him just like before.

Neither of us say anything, he just locks his pinky around mine and we lay there in the cool, gentle breeze.

    Neither of us say anything, he just locks his pinky around mine and we lay there in the cool, gentle breeze

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