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knock... knock...

i stood next to luke. his arm wrapped around my waist as i picked st my nails. i heard the door unlock before swinging open to reveal a girl that looked around our age

"mom luke and kayla are here" his sister yelled behind her.

"you gonna let us in or do i have to stand here all day" luke said jokingly and she opened the door for us

the girl closed the door before a middle aged woman walked up to us hugging her son and then me.

"kayla! it's so good to finally meet you" she spoke in a cheerful tone

"it's good to meet you too" i smiled. luke smiled at me while rubbing my back

"luke speaks so proudly of you and i can see why. you got a good one son" she said and i laughed looking over at luke who was rolling his eyes at the comment

"where is dad?" he asked

"out getting more corn. teddy ate half of it"

as if on time the dog ran up to us. i leaned down and pet the fluffy animal as luke and his mom caught up. i became great friends with the door before standing back up

"well you two can hang out in the living room or wherever" his mom said and luke nodded her off before leading me to the couch. his sister sat on the opposite one

as we sat down the door opened again revealing luke's dad. you could tell because of how similar they looked. he rushed to the kitchen with bags ignoring us

"you have done good so far" luke said loud enough for me to hear but no one else. i just nodded before looking up at him only for our lips to meet then quickly pull away

i smiled at him and leaned my head on his shoulder as his dad and brother walked in

"luke! i missed ya bub" his dad said while patting his shoulder then looking at me

"you must be kayla. luke talks about you quite a bit" he said and i blushed

"oh does he now?" i joked looking over at the boy who was shaking his head

"well i am this boys father. food should be served in a few minutes" he said walking away and instructing his other son to set the table fully

"luke you are getting exposed by us today"

"yeah yeah shut up" he said back to his sister. she just evily smiled back at him

dinner was great. we spent the whole time talking and eating. we talked about his siblings school life and plans after college. we talked about luke's streaming and even my music. his sister and mom were big fans

his dad was very much a joking man. he made a joke any chance he got and i wuite honestly enjoyed it.

his family got along and it made me so happy that luke got to live this life as a child but it only reminded me of the scars that were formed all around my body

we were still sat at the table just talking about how we meet. we stuck to saying karl and not sapnap because it was more comfortable for both of us in all honesty

"luke is quite the dancer when you force him into it" i said and everyone laughed

"how did you do it to him?" luke's brother asked me

"do what?"

"get him to be this whipped" he said

"don't know in all honesty. ask the big guy himself" i said patting his arm and he smiled at me

"i don't know. but i'm stuck with her" he said and i flashed a smile for everyone to see. i noticed his mom getting up

"once i clean this up we will have pie" she said. i stood up with her and grabbed luke and my plate

i followed her into the kitchen and cleaned the plates lff before adding them to the dishwasher

"you don't have to help sweetheart"

"oh no! you let me crash your thanksgiving the least i can do is help clean up" i said before going to grab pots of food and bringing them back to the kitchen

once everyone was fully cleaned up i sat back down by luke and his hand fell on my thigh and his lips on the side of my head

"my mom definitely likes you" he whispered and i smiled at him

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