Chapter 47

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 Trish walks out to the arena, staring down Ulrich. He stares at her back, but I can tell he's not extremely confident. Everyone knows that when Trish is angry at you, you won't stand a chance fighting her.

Mr. X shouts go and Ulrich backs up, "I'm glad I'm fighting you. That freak of yours didn't fight like a real person." Really? That's his plan? I scoff and pace around the room.

Beast asks after a few moments, "What?"

"He's planing to get her so frustrated that she can't fight accurately."

"How do you know? The match just started," Shawn points out.

"They barely moved," Beast adds.

That's right. They don't hear what I hear. Oh that's frustrating. Trish throws water at him, and he dodges it. "What's the matter? You seem nervous. Worried you won't win against me like the freak?"

"Shut up!" Trish shouts, creating a wave and thrusting it towards him. He uses his ability to slice a passage through the wave and runs to her. Trish quickly creates an accumulation of water, and explodes water puddles to stop him.

Ulrich backs off saying, "She taught you that, didn't she?" Trish looks confused, so he says, "The energy flow of that stance is modified. She made is more powerful. You wouldn't be able to achieve that by yourself.

Trish shouts, "Shut up!"

"You want me to go back to talking about your pet freak?"

"Her name is Zoe," Trish says, giving me chills. I've never known someone that would stand up for me so strongly. Trish isn't angry. Or, she is, but she's not letting the rage consume her like she usually would. She's using her emotions to her advantage. 

I feel a rumble and Shawn asks, "What's going on?"

"Trish is going to break a water pipe," I respond, almost smiling.

I watch Trish and see her ability explode inside her. She strains as she rips the underground water pipe from the floor and bends the mass amount of water, throwing waves and riptides of water at Ulrich.

I look at him and see he knows he lost. His pathetic talk only helped Trish excel. The water just starts to hit Ulrich as Mr. X announces, "Trish Waters win for her resourceful findings." Trish stops the majority of the water, but deliberately lets some some beginning waves smack Ulrich down. Once she's content with her fight, she helps some other water ability people put the pipe back into place and after five minutes of fixing, the fights are ready to continue.

Trish walks back in smirking at Beast and Shawn's expressions. "What— where, the heck did that come from?" Beast asks.

Trish looks at me, "You don't tell me my friend is a freak and expect me to cave. That's not how I roll." In this case, I'm glad that's true.

I smile at her as Beast is called up and soon Mr. X calls up Rock.

"Good luck," I tell him. He smirks and runs out.

"He's going to win," Shawn says confidently.

"How do you know?" Trish asks.

"Because he will," Shawn responds. I smile. I get it. That's the reason why Trish is drawn to Shawn so much.

He's hopeful.

He expresses everything Trish hoped for in our kind. She wishes we could learn to be like the humans. To be hopeful and clueless and to be ourselves without someone judging us. Trish recognizes these qualities in Shawn, and I don't even think she knows it.

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