Chapter 60

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 She looks reserved. Like she knows she shouldn't say anything. I lock my eyes on hers and she can't help but look away. "Hi, Zoey."

I look to my friends and ask, "Trish and Shawn aren't coming here, are they?"

"I've sent Nix out to find them. They'll be okay."

"I didn't ask you," I say coldly, not even looking at her. "You two lied to me."

"I told them to."

"Since when do you get to boss around everyone I care remotely about?" I ask, my voice shredding the air between us.

"It's been awhile, hasn't it?"

"Zoe, I know you're angry, but just listen to her for a second. She has a good reason," Jack tries to argue.

I turn my look onto him and say, "Don't you dare tell me what to do."

"That how you speak to your friends now? I thought I raised you better."

I ignite my hands in the brightest red I've ever seen. Red used to mean the love of my mom, now it stands for my anger.

"You're acting childish," my mother states.

I respond by making the color stronger.

"Don't be angry at me. You know I didn't want to leave you."

"Then why did you?" I ask.

"I died for you. I faked my death for Phillip and John and Flame and..."

"And yourself? You know most mothers that don't want to raise theirs kids tend to just leave. They don't fake their deaths or anything like that."

"I see you still have that attitude," she tries to joke.

"How could you joke at a time like this?" I ask, taking a step towards her. I feel the fear my friends are expression, and I take a moment to relish in it. For once, someone needs to be afraid of me. I want the fear.

"Don't be like this, Zoey," she scolds, "You know if I could have stayed I would have."

"So that was your plan. Have my friends drop all the big bomb shells for you, so then you can come back to me and be all sympathetic and motherly in hopes I'll actually forgive you?"

"You're hurt."

"Don't," I wave my hands at her to make her stop, "Don't, do that."

"Do what? Acknowledge what I've done to my only daughter?"

"If you really wanted to acknowledge it you should have been there to stop it from happening."

She sighs and moves to lean on a post beside her, "Fine, you're right. I shouldn't have left you. I shouldn't have lied. I shouldn't have done a lot of things, but I did. Most I will regret, but then again most I had to do."

"Like what? Killing innocent people?"

"The Raven super soldiers aren't innocent."

"What are they then? Because to me, they are just people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time."

She gets off the post and starts walking towards me, "You've met Kian, right? The leader of Raven? Then you know he isn't stupid enough to just pick random people off the street."

"Who is he picking then?"

"He's infusing the abilities with the people he trusts the most."

"Doesn't look like a trustful guy."

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