Chapter 11

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Imagine seeing a world without eyes. Fighting an opponent with just your ears. Smelling the scent of adrenaline and excitement around you. Feeling as if you can touch the tension in the air, but you actually feel the heaviness it has. 

I hear Trish's footsteps coming towards me, and I move. I gain a whole new sense of the training room. I feel the wide area between me and Trish closing. I float my hands in the air and feel the area around me being pushed by Trish. Somehow, I time it right and I run to her as well. I duck and slide underneath her, like I knew she was going to jump at me. I get up quickly and go right into an aerial and I smell the water slash underneath me. When I land on the ground again, the echo it makes in the training room allows me to see the entire area through a vibration vision of hearing. 

I hear Trish panting as she says, "That is freaking impossible."

I wave my hands a little by my sides and feel stingy air, like shock or surprise. Trish stomps her foot and water raises from the floor. It's like I can see the vibrations, but I know the sensing is coming from my hearing and touch. I take in a deep breath through my nose and I put my hands out in front of me. I sense two water waves coming at me, and I manage to do a flip over them. I hear Shawn laugh out of amazement as I land on the floor lightly and run to Trish. She half screams as I roll to the floor and stick a leg out. I spin around on my foot and my leg trips her to the floor beside me.

It's only then when I open my eyes and my senses go back to normal. I look at Trish and what I just did really sinks in. "How?" she asks.

"Zoe," Flames voice echoes through the room. 

I look at him and Beast and see their shocked faces. I look over to Shawn and see he looks the same. I look back at Flame and say, "I..."

"Your mother worked for years, trying to figure out how to catch a ball without looking and using her hearing. What you just did...I—I don't even know what to say."

"You made Flame speechless," Trish nudges me. "No one's ever seen that."

We seat ourselves for lunch as Trish and Shawn talk about the last hour or so of practice. My whole ability outbreak only lasted for that moment. I couldn't figure out how I was able to use my senses like that so easily. There's got to be a key to that expression.

"Hey Zoe, I have a question," Shawn says.

"What is it?"

"Well," he pauses to take a bite of his mashed potatoes and gravy, "You had a meeting with Mr. X today, right?"

I don't like where this is going, "Yeah, I did. Why do you ask?"

"What was it about?"

Trish nudges him, "Shawn that's none of your business."

"I just want to know," he argues. Trish gives him a scold, "What? Curiosity isn't a sin."

"Exercise caution with it though. You'll get yourself in trouble if you don't," Beast says.

Shawn looks down at the table and I say, "We just were talking about my parents, that's all." 

He looks up, "Vision and John?"

"John isn't my parent," I say quickly. "He was just as much as a leftover to me as I was to him."

"Then you're talking about Vision and White Shadow?" Beast asks.

I whip my head to him, "You know my father's name?"

"I know his nickname," Beast corrects, "He was a legend to both Raven and Omega compounds. Mr. X didn't tell you?"

"I don't think he really wanted me to know," I smile irritatedly. I thought my father was a mystery, but turns out he is known around here. "Do you know anything about my—White Shadow?"

"I remember when Vision first brought him back, he was big, tall. He had this white hair even though he looked twenty. Everyone was scared of him just because he looked so intimidating."

"Did you ever speak with him?"

"Once or twice yes," Beast nods carefully, "Zoe don't start thinking..." he trails off.

"Don't start thinking that I can find him?" I ask, "Your warning is a bit late," I get up and start to walk to the doors.

"Zoe!" Trish calls to me.

I look back and say, "I'll meet you guys in the training room."

I head out and start walking. I don't even know where this idea came from. He never wanted a part in my life, I understood that from the moment John rubbed that in my face when I was five. Why am I so bent on finding him? So he can ignore me first hand? No, there's got to be a reason why he didn't want to be in my life. His brother, my uncle is waiting to meet me, so why isn't he? Why is Mr. X being so quiet with this. I need to know who my father is. It's the only way to excel in my abilities.

I hear someone call my name and it pulls me from my thoughts. "Hey Zoe, you look like you're troubled again."

I look to my left and see Marcus leaning on the wall. I feel my smile light up, "Hey Marcus. You dropped in on a good time."

He walks over to me, "I've heard a name seep through the vents that I haven't heard in almost a decade."

"White Shadow?" He nods, "Did you know he was my father?"

"I did, but I had no idea you wanted to see him."

I scoff, "I didn't either." We start walking. "You've been here for awhile, right? Before my mother was here."

"Yes, and you're wondering if I know who he is?"

I look at him, "It would make my day if you could tell me a little something."

He sighs and says, "White Shadow came from a family of abilities. Only the men inherited the family ability."

"What is the ability?"

"It's very complex, even I don't know the exact ability. They all could do something different."

"Like?" We turn left in a hallway.

"Like speaking to animals, or flying, or becoming an assassin." He glances at me. "Whatever they could to, it ended up becoming who they are. Their hair became colored, and whatever color is was named them. No one knows their real name, just that their legend is known as the Shadows."

"The Shadows?"

"Your father was White Shadow, his hair was almost white, much like yours. His brother was named Shadowstar."

"Why Shadowstar?"

"He could shoot lightening from his hands, and it looked like stars. His hair is a really yellow blond."

"So they all have Shadow in their name?"

"Every single boy that developed the family ability, shadow is involved in their nickname." The lunch bell rings and I sigh.

"Is there any way you could figure out my father's real name?"

Marcus stops walking and looks at me, "If I do will you promise not to look for him?"


He sighs, "How'd you know that wouldn't make a different?"

"Because I believe you'd help me regardless."

"You are a different kind, Zoe. You are a different kind. I'll get back to you when I know something."

"Thanks, I really appreciate it." I wave to him as he disappears into thin air. Different kind takes on a whole knew meaning, I just wish I knew the definition of it.

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