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IF Tanner worked anywhere else, he might complain more, but he'd been lucky. He'd managed to pull himself some part-time work at the popular ice cream parlour, Lickety Split, to keep himself productive during summer. Of course, the paycheque wasn't too bad but part of him liked that to think that wasn't really why he'd been looking for the job, even though it was cool to not have to ask his parents for money anymore.

Besides, he was practically made for a gig like this. He smiled at everyone, got along great with kids and always did a great job convincing the customers to spend a little extra, even though he typically did it by accident. Plus, his friends told him that being cute never hurt sales and people love a pretty face.

He was pretty sure he wasn't as attractive or likeable as his friends and some of the customers seemed to think he was because the co-worker who he always ended up working shifts, Austin, didn't seem to like him so much. Then again, he wasn't so sure that Austin liked anyone very much. He wasn't a very chirpy person and it seemed to Tanner that any and all of the chirp that he had was entirely manufactured, his smiles entirely artificial.

Who could blame him? If Tanner wasn't the human embodiment of a golden retriever then he was sure he'd feel the same way. But he was the human embodiment of a golden retriever and so Austin's contempt was generally lost on him, especially when it came to decide if he had anything to do with it.

He worried sometimes that his attempts at kindness only served as annoying and that his consistent 'good mornings' and 'see you laters' were anything but helpful. Usually, people seemed to appreciate it, but Austin would only respond with a brisk 'morning' or 'bye' and a smile so instantaneous that Tanner was left unsure whether he had ever even smiled at all.

Today, as expected, was no different. Just before their shift had begun, Tanner had been setting up the parlour for it's eleven a.m. open time (anyone who needs ice cream at eleven in the morning needs therapy, Austin had said on an occasion where he'd been noticeably more talkative) when the bell above the door rang, alerting him of Austin's arrival. As always, he greeted his co-worker with an affable grin and a 'good morning' and was left feeling disappointed by the hasty and disinterested response.

"You're in earlier than usual," he said in a weak attempt at conversation. Austin was fifteen minutes early which seemed odd for someone who hated to be out of bed before noon and also had little interest in working.

He shrugged, "Couldn't sleep last night. Too hot."

"Yeah, I'm heading to the beach tomorrow," Tanner said, glimpsing at Austin as he sauntered across the parlour. "I think I might burn alive."

"Great way to spend summer," Austin said, failing to glimpse back even once.

Tanner laughed, and the small talk moved along. It wasn't interesting, but it was safe, and it kept the silence filled which was better than the two of them lingering uncomfortably in the other's presence as they waited on the first customer.

"The walk home is gonna kill me today," Tanner huffed before taking a swig of his water. Thank God for air conditioning.

"Same," Austin said, fiddling with his fingers. His brown hair flopped into his eyes as he bowed his head down, avoiding eye contact like it was the plague.

"I guess it could be worse," he said, feeling refreshed after his drink and determined to keep dragging some kind of conversation out. 

Austin glanced up at him briefly. "Makes one of us."

Tanner chuckled. "Nice to know we have our athleticism in common."

Austin was looking at his feet when he smiled. Very hesitantly and maybe only a little, but it was a smile nonetheless which Tanner considered an accomplishment— he sometimes didn't even get this far.

Then epiphany struck and Tanner became aware of an opportunity that he felt stupid for not considering until now. It was risky, but it was a risk he was willing to take to improve his chances of getting Austin to like him.

"We should walk home together," he said. "We get off at the same time, right? And we both go the same way up to a certain point."

Slowly, Austin glanced up and away from his feet. He looked at Tanner like he was thinking hard about something. "Yeah, I think we do."

"Then why not?"

There was a hesitance in his nodding and his head was facing Tanner's direction, but his deep, brown eyes were darting all over the parlour. "Um," he said finally, rubbing the back of his neck. "I can't think of a reason."

Tanner opened his mouth to reply but, before he could say anything, the bell above the door jingled again and both boys looked towards the noise to see the first customer of the day approaching the counter that they stood behind.

"Good morning," Tanner grinned, shaking off his exchange with Austin, "What can I get for you?"


Apologies if the first chapter seems a little slow! The pace will pick up, but right now I am just focused on establishing their relationship and setting the mood of the story. If you made it this far then I hope you stick around, thanks for reading!

If you did enjoy then please vote and comment as it massively supports my work and encourages me more than you will ever know! Even just voting makes my whole day! Thanks again <3

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