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AFTER their second date, Tanner had expected to see Austin at work for their next shift, only to be disappointed by a text from him the night before informing that he had the day off for a friend's birthday. Now that so much of his enjoyment of work came from Austin, he felt embarrassingly lost without him around, especially considering how much closer they'd become over the past few weeks.

Thankfully, it had been a busy day. He hadn't had a single chance to get off his feet which he left him worn out and with a throbbing headache, but at least it kept his mind from constantly wandering over to Austin throughout the day. The worst part of it was that he was left alone at the end of the day to close up, insisting that his co-workers leave early and then immediately regretting it afterwards when his headache really came through with its full force and he felt as though he'd have to clip his eyelids open to stay awake.

As he stifled a yawn and finished his work by wiping down the counters, he heard the bell above the door entrance ring. "Sorry," he said, forcing to himself to be loud enough to get heard. "We're closed."

He heard a hum from the stranger that made him frown as he wondered if his exhaustion was getting to him. "Too bad," he said. "Guess I'll have to come back some other time."

And like that, his exhaustion seeped out of him and he lit up with elation. Dropping the rag on the counter, he rushed towards the not-stranger and engulfed him, throwing his arms around Austin's shoulders. "Hey," he murmured.

Austin's arms wrapped around his waist and he laughed a little. "Hey," he murmured back.

He felt smaller than he looked when Tanner held him and squeezed him maybe a little too tight, inhaling the familiar scent of eucalyptus that made the butterflies go crazy.

"I didn't expect you to miss me," Austin said.

"Your company is a very welcome surprise," Tanner mumbled, holding onto him like he was air to choked lungs.

"Rough day?"

"Rough day," he confirmed, stifling another yawn. "It was so busy."

"You like busy," Austin told him as Tanner released his grip.

"I like when you're here," he said, his eyes searching Austin's.

Daring to cup Tanner's cheeks, he planted a kiss to the tip of his nose, drunk on midnight delirium and the fever of his night with his friends. "And here I am," he said.

"I didn't expect to see you today," Tanner said, resuming his work and picking up the the cloth and spray to tidy them away into the cleaning cupboard in the backroom.

"The birthday boy is having a night with his girlfriend," Austin explained, "so I thought I'd swing by to see if you were still around."

Tanner smiled to himself as he locked up the backroom. "You could've called to make sure I was here before you came."

"Didn't want to ruin the surprise element," Austin said. "You strike me as the kind who likes surprises."

"You're right," he said. "I do like surprises, but what if you got here and it was empty?"

"Sacrifice I was willing to make," Austin yawned. "Any chance you're walking home tonight?"

"I always walk home," Tanner reminded. "I like the exercise and the fresh air."

"Like you already don't get enough of both of those things."

He rolled his eyes. "I can start driving home if you'd prefer it."

Austin flushed a little. "No, no, walking is much better. Exercise and fresh air and all that," he said, swallowing nervously.

"Weird," Tanner mused. "I never thought about it that way."

His response was a wry smile and a glint of light in those dark, pooling eyes.

"Alright," he said, "let's go."

The night air was cool and the stars were scattered across the sky like kisses over a lovers' face. There was a gentle breeze swirling through the air, refreshing and enlivening. It was the type of night were the streets were quiet and the world was in the palm of your hands and you felt as young as you were.

Tanner offered his hand to Austin who peered at it for a second before glancing at him. With a sweet bashfulness, Austin took his hand and intertwined their fingers and Tanner caressed his thumb over those bronze, flower bud knuckles.

"You know," Tanner said, as they wandered through the dark, "before we go to the country club together, I was thinking you might wanna come over and I have an empty house tomorrow. My parents are out all day and my brother is still on vacation so, you know, no pressure."

"I, um, sure," Austin nodded, a feeling of safety engulfing him when Tanner squeezed his hand. "Sure, what time?"

"Whenever you want. I'll be home all day," Tanner said. "Make up for some of the time we missed today."

"Okay," he said, letting the night see his smile. "I'll come over."

A comfortable silence lingered as Austin pondered the safety he felt in Tanner's arm, the warmth of their bodies pressed together, moulding like it was the way they were supposed to be all along, like they had found their ways back to each other, like they were day and night meeting at dusk, the embrace of sun and moon.

Austin looked at his sun as they wandered along the road, hand in hand, and wondered how close he could get to the centre of the warmth without getting burned.


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Friday. 20. August. 2021.

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