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RAIN drizzled outside Lickety Split as grey clouds gathered so closely together that gloom fell over the sky like a blanket. The beach was bare and looked naked without any of the life that it had become so accustomed to over these last few weeks.

Today was an off day and Tanner, resting his chin in his palm and gazing out of the window, prayed for the weather to clear up again soon. Work wasn't the same when he wasn't being kept on his feet and business was slow today (which was a surprise to no one).

Few people were sitting at the round, white tables dotted across the parlour, sharing sundaes or spooning small mouthfuls of various flavours of ice cream that melted on their tongues. Other than these people, there was no one around. Everyone was, understandably, hidden inside and there wasn't even anybody walking outside.

Tanner had been sitting by one of the little white tables by himself for no longer than five minutes, staring out of large windows besides the entrance that exposed the inside of the parlour to potential customers and people passing by.

Luckily for him, their boss was out for a while which meant he could get away with slacking at least for a little longer. Even though he preferred to be working, there was nothing to do other than sit around and occasionally glance around to make sure that everything was running smoothly and no one required assistance.

Not even another five minutes passed before he lifted his chin from his palm at the sound of a chair pulling across the floor and then settled back down as Austin slumped down beside him with a defeated sigh, shuffling the chair closer to the table and resting his arms on the surface.

"Hey," Tanner said.

Austin buried his head comfortably on his folded arms and his brown eyes danced up towards Tanner. "Hey," he said, lifting his head up just enough to be coherent.

"Sorry for leaving you at the counter," he said. "I just had to come sit down."

"S'okay," he mumbled. "I don't blame you. I'm so bored that I'd rather be in Señora Lawrence's class right now."

"Hey, I didn't know you took that class!" Tanner exclaimed, a grin adorning his face as he pulled his chair in closer and straightened out his posture.

"I didn't know you took that class," Austin told him.

Tanner scoffed, "Not only did I take that class, I owned that class."

"Yeah, right," Austin laughed, lifting his head and settling his chin on his arms. "I bet you suck at Spanish."

"I'm good at Spanish! Maybe you suck and you're just deflecting," Tanner huffed, folding his arms over his chest and falling against the back of his chair.

Grinning gleefully, he shook his head. "For your information, I got an A in that class," he said. "What did you get?"

Tanner cleared his throat. "What I got doesn't matter," he said flippantly, shaking his open palms. "What matters is that I don't suck."

He couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah?" He asked.


"Alright then, entertain me. Tell me something in Spanish."


"Anything," Austin agreed, watching Tanner's fingers drum against the table surface as he pondered.

Before his opening mouth could say anything, he snapped it shut and Austin raised his eyebrows in patient encouragement and waited with a teasing grin. Again, he pondered, his lips gracing into a sweet smile as he lowered his head down closer towards Austin and gazing into him with his twinkling, crystalline blue eyes.

"Tienes una sonrisa hermosa," he murmured softly.

Blushing terribly, Austin broke the locked gaze and peered away, desperate to hide his smile as Tanner beamed victoriously.

"So," he continued, tilting his head to see Austin better, "about that date."

thanks so much for reading! Hope you enjoyed, lovelies! If you did then please vote and comment, it's endlessly appreciated <3


Thursday. 12. August. 2021.

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