Catching the Bus

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Travis still had 30 minutes left of lunch. The walk was 20 but he knew he could make it back in 10 if her ran.

"Jerk," Sal laughed as he shoved Travis playfully "Come on then let's go." Sal liked Travis. He was so different from him on the outside but on the inside they shared the same pain. It was the same instant connection he felt with Larry. Plus he's super awkward when he flirted, which Sal thought was kinda funny, and really cute.

"I'm doing you a favor!" Travis said, following him "Be grateful I don't just let you get lost,"

Sal looked back at him smiling, not that Travis could tell "Thanks Trav," he laughed. Travis' chest felt tight. Fuck he's so cute. Is that gay? That's not gay! Some people are just cute. I mean look at him he's tiny. Lying's a sin too faggot.

"Ugh I take it back, don't be gratefully," Travis gagged jokingly, but Sal could still see the smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. I didn't even flirt that time! "Catch up!" Sal laughed. Travis jogged a few steps to catch up to Sal.

Sal looked up at Travis, the thought of asking to hold his hand crossed his mind but he didn't want to freak him out too badly. Though something felt a little off now. Like there was something on Travis' mind there wasn't before. They passed through the day camps gates. "Which way?" Sal asked.

"You really are hopeless," Travis laughed. "Left,"

Sal nodded, following the road left. "Are you still sad?" Sal asked, maybe that was it?

"What?" Travis asked "No I don't think so why?"

"You still seem on edge," Sal replied looking at him intensely. Even through the mask, it felt like his eyes were seeing right into his soul.

"Well I'm not," Travis said.

"Liar," Sal teased. "Want me to go first again? Ask me anything?"

"Anything?" Travis echoed. His heart was racing. Are you gay? What you can't ask him that idiot! Why do you want to know anyway. You know why.

"You have something in mind," Sal grinned.

Travis blushed "I can't ask you that."

"Hmmm," Sal thought "I did say you can ask me anything. Plus now I'm like, super curious."

"Stay curious," Travis huffed, even though he really wanted to ask.

"You want to know if I'm-" Sal said, studying Travis. "I got the first bit right. You should get a mask too, your poker face is shit," Sal teased.

Travis laughed "Yeah you got me I wanted to ask about the mask!" he said, releaved to find an out.

"Oh that's it?" Sal asked, not sure he believed him but letting it be. "What about it?"

"I don't know," Travis shrugged "I've never really met anyone with a mask before. I thought it was some weird fashion thing, like the blue hair."

"No it's not," Sal laughed. "The doctors kinda recommend it after the car crash. Its supposed to protect my face. I didn't want to wear it at first but," the silence hung in the air.

Travis didn't know what to say, so he didn't say anything. "You're shit at comforting people," Sal laughed punching his arm.

"Not used to it," Travis blushed "Not used to any of this emotional stuff. I don't really understand how you made me feel better earlier."

"That's fair," Sal nodded. Is that what it is? He's just uncomfortable? That didn't feel like the right answer. Sal could spot discomfort the second it happened. People never tell you your face freaks them out, they just pull away until you're basically strangers so you have to spot it before it's too late. "You're good with kids?" Sal asked, he had sensed that Travis had wanted to change the subject for a while.

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