The Grand Tour

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"First stop, Nockfell High. That way you know the route from your place to school," Travis smiled "I wouldn't mind walking with you though," he mumbled.

"What was that?" Sal teased.

"Nothing," Travis blushed, too embarrassed to repeat it.

"Oh really? Because I thought you heard you say you wouldn't mind waking with me?" Sal teased, squeezing Trav's hand to let him know he wasn't being mean.

"I don't remember you being this mean," Travis laughed tugging his hand.

Sal giggled crashing into him, Travis caught his shoulder gently with his other hand. "I don't remember you being this confident," he smiled "Seriously, you seem less on edge."

Travis blushed "You can tell?" Sal nodded. "Guess you're good at solving mysteries too," he smiled. "I uh- finally admitted something to myself," he whispered proudly.

"Really that's awesome," Sal smiled, his eyes were completely lit up. Travis was glad he was looking at them.

"Thanks," he smiled "I even told my sister," he boasted proudly "and tonight I think I'm gonna tell you." he blushed.

"Really what is it?!" Sal asked excitedly. His mind raced trying to figure out what this secret could be, but so far he didn't have any leads.

"You tell me Sherlock," Travis teased.

Sal pouted "I don't know. But I know its something important to you,"

"Yeah it is," Travis smiled, squeezing Sal's hand. Sal's heart skipped a beat. He was full of nervous excitement and anticipation, and the night had only just started.

"You can see it now," Travis said, pointing to the school with his right hand, even though it was holding Sal's. "Oops sorry,"

Sal laughed "Your arms are way longer than mine."

"Cause I'm way taller than you," Travis teased.

"I miss nervous Travis, he would never insult me like this,"

"Yeah but would he do this?" he asked, gently swinging their hands.

"I guess not," Sal blushed.

"Now you're nervous and blushing!" Travis smirked.

"How can you tell!" Sal whined.

"Your eyes give you away," he smiled.

"Eye," Sal corrected, laughing.

"Really?" Travis asked.

"I'd show you but it's kinda gross."

"Sal you aren't gross. There is nothing wrong with you okay? I'm so sorry you ever thought that." Travis said. He may not be good with words, but his sister was and he knew how good those words felt to hear.

Sal blushed and let himself believe it, even if it was just for today it felt so good to believe someone could look at him like Travis did.

"Wanna see then?" he asked.

"Really!" Travis said excitedly, before remembering how upset Sal had been about his face before "You dont have to if you dont want to. I wont judge you either way."

"Opening up gets easier after the first time," Sal said, repeating his words from the other day.

His heart was pounding. He was scared but he needed to know if Travis really meant it. If people could really still love him after what had happened.

"Oh I always thought it was like a ball?" Travis said, looking at Sal's eye in his hand. "It's just the eye part?"

Sal nodded. So what do you think? He wanted to ask so bad but the words got caught in his throat.

Something Normal - Sally Face (Sal x Travis)Where stories live. Discover now