chapter 11 Christmas part 1

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I woke up early it was Christmas eve I had a lot to do I had to sent everyone's presents off and get the presents for Harry, Ron, Fred, and George under the tree but I would have to wait and do that after they all went to bed.

I jumped out of bed had a shower then got dressed after I was ready I went down to the common room. All the boys were there waiting on me. When we got to the great hall there weren't many people there were just about 20 students if even that much seeing as there weren't many people the staff table was not put up so everyone was sitting at on table. I sat down in between Fred and George then Ron and Harry were across from us.

"Hey Harry." I said

"Yes." Harry said

"Can I use Hedwig?" I asked

"Yeah sure but why?"

"Because I'm sending everyone's chirstmas presents." I answered

"Ok."he said while stuffing his face with bacon.

"Well I'm off, got a lot of work to do in preparation for tomorrow. bye guys." I said while standing up.

"Bye." They all said

I walked back up to the common room then to my dorms I got everything that had to be sent off and the went to the owlery. I walked up there most of the owls were gone since so many people left for the holidays. I walked in and saw Godric and Hedwig I walked over to them and tied Oliver's present to Godric andHermione's to Hedwig. After that they flew of to there deletions I then looked around the owlrey and found two of the schools owls I tied Sky's and Kinsey's presents to them and they flew off. After I finished sending everyone their presents I walked back down to the common room. When I walked in Fred was trying to give Harry some kind of cake.

"Want some?" Fred asked.

"I wouldn't if I were you." I said

"No thanks." Harry said to Fred who looked disappointed.before

I then walked up to my dorm grabbed my book bag and went back down stairs. I sat down on the couch to finish the assigned over the holidays. After I finished everything I put my things away then when I came back down.

"Anna come on dinner." George said

"Alright I'm coming." I said

We then all walked to down to dinner.


"Come on everyone lets go to bed!"

"Do we have to."Ron Said

"Yes off to bed." I said everyone then got up and went to their dorms. After everyone left I ran up to my dorm and got the presents I then ran back down and put them under the chirstmas tree. As I was leaving I saw the house elves bring presents in so I quickly went up to bed.

(Chirstmas day)

I woke up looked at the clock and it was still really early but I knew everyone would be up in an hour since it was Christmas so I went ahead and got out of bed. I had a shower then I went to my closet and put on a red sweeter, a really poofy white skirt, and red converses. My strawberry blonde hair was straight, but a few waves at the ends. After I was ready I when'd down stairs when I got there I was surprised to see that no one was up yet. But as I thought this Ron came runing down the stairs.

"Merry Christmas." Ron I said

"Merry Christmas Anna." Ron said

Ron went straight to the presents opening some candy, then opening a box with a red sweeter and a gold letter R. Molly made everyone one every year, I loved them. After Ron opened the two presents I asked,

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