chapter 2 meeting harry

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The London zoo

"Move!..... dad make him move!" Said the pig sized Dudley Dursley.

"Move!.... Move!" Said Vernon as he tapped on the glass.

"He's asleep!" said Harry irritation in his voice.

"He's boring."Dudley said as he and the other Dursleys walked away.

I was standing in the corner watching, I heard Harry was going to be here and I was already in London with Hagrid because he was on some kind of business for Hogwarts.

So I told him I would go to diagonally and shop, but I came here, I mean I want to at least know what my brother looks like before I see him at Hogwarts.

As I stood there I decided I would walk up to the enclosure , partly to see Harry, partly to see the snake I have wanted to meet one, plus I have never spoke to one. yes I said 'spoke' I can speak to about every creature. Never met one yet I couldn't talk to, but I have met some who where rather unpleasant. But I guess creatures are like people, Some are pleasant, nice, warm. While others are rude, cold, and overall mean, but I put it to myself to be nice to everyone. Unless they are mean to my friends or family, then they suffer, I make sure of that.

As I walked up to he enclosure, sure not to be seen not even by Harry. I'm very good at sneaking around, my friends remark on it all the time but it's great for Quidditch, and pranking with Fred and George Weasley, my best friends.

I was standing about four feet from Harry with out him noticing. As i stood there I realized Harry was speaking to the snake. Something about the snake not knowing his family. Then Harry said he knew how he felt, he never knew any of his family.

Hearing him speak that way made my heart drop, he sounded so sad I turned to him. He then noticed me and turned to look at me. Not knowing what to do I looked back at the snake and said,

"speak to snakes often do you."

Crap why did I say that I should not have said that oh God I'm in trouble.

but before Harry could answer Dudley ran up and pushed him to the ground saying,

" Mom, dad look what this snakes doing."

I looked at Harry on the ground staring at his cousin with anger clearly in his eyes. I knew Dudley was about to regret doing that.

As Dudley stood with his face smushed up against the glass. The glass disappeared in an instant and Dudley fell straight into the habitat. After Dudley fell in, the huge Boa constrictor in the enclosure slithered out and as it was leaving I heard it say "thankss" to harry which he then responded with " anytime." I looked at Harry with pride on my face I nodded at him then helped him to his feet.

We turned to see Dudley getting up but when he tried to get out, he realized the glass had reappeared. He began screaming for his mom and dad to come help him. I saw at the end of the hall the Dursleys coming so I said to Harry "I better go, but you better stay safe." Then Harry said " umm who are you?" I told him "my name's Anastasia, but call me Anna."

With that I began walking away I yelled to him" I expect we will meet again soon!"

When I got to the main road I raised my wand into the air when no one was looking so I could summon the night bus, when the bus arrived I told the conductor, Stan, to take me to the Leaky Cauldron. When I got to the cauldron I went in and went straight through to the back where the brick wall, which was the entrance to Diagon Alley was. After I tapped the bricks in the right order, the wall opened and I was in Diagon Alley. I began to shop and by the time Hagrid was there to get me I had new shirts, pants, and I found these shoes they call converse I got a grey, white, and red with yellow stripes pair.

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