chapter 4 the sorting

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Soon we where at the hogsmeade station. We where leaving our compartment, everyone was pushing trying to get out. I almost fell but Fred and George grabbed me before I fell.

"Thanks guys"

"Our pleasure." they both said at the same time. I smiled at them they were so nice sometimes, but other times they could be quit scary.

"Hey let's see if we see Harry and Ron. Come on hurry guys!" I said.

"Coming hold on!" George yelled.

We got outside and I heard Hagrid calling the first years, we ran over. I saw Harry and Ron. they where already going to the boats so I just yelled,

"Good luck guys see you soon!"

Ron, an Harry waved and smiled. I smiled and waved back.

"I hope they are in Gryffindor." I said.

We all began to walk to the carriages. We all sat down in the carriage I sat down then the twins sat on either side of me. I was all ways in the middle. then Sky and Lee sat across from us.

"Sky you changed your hair it's so cool I just love it!" I said.

Sky's hair was blonde with a blue ombre now it was pink then at the end it was pastel purpal then a pastel blue.

"Thanks I thought since it was a new school year it was time for new hair." She said.

"Hey Anna we forgot to ask, who did you stay with this summer?" George asked

"I stayed with Hagrid this year it was fun."

I didn't have a specific person that I stayed with. Every year Dumbledore just finds a safe place for me to go that I like. I never really know where I'm going in the summer but I don't mind. I know Dumbledore always picks a good place for me to go.

"Well I guess there's no word where your staying at this summer yet, is there?" Fred asked.

"Goodness Fred we aren't even at school yet." I said.

"Sorry just wondering!" He said.

" I'm sure I'll go somewhere nice. no need to even thing about it, at least not know. Oh look we're here!"

We jumped out and walked up to the door when we got in we made our way to the Great Hall and sat down soon all the first years arrived. I waved at Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I overheard her talking to one girl about the ceiling being enchanted and how she read about it in 'Hogwarts a history' I chuckled to my self, she was one of a kind. She reminded me of myself a little.

Dumbledore began making his announcement about the dark forest being forbidden, that the 3rd floor corridor on the right side is out of bounds to anyone who doesn't wish to die a most painful death. Sometimes I wonder about this school, I mean death is around every corner. But I really love this place.

"Hermione Grainger!"

I looked up I knew she had to be Gryffindor.

"Gryffindor!" The hat yelled

I began to clap, I was happy I thought she was a really good person even though I had just met her but I was a good judge of character

"Hey Hermione welcome to Gryffindor!"

"Thank you Anna."

"Draco Malfoy" proffesor McGonagall announced

I turned my head.

" Slytherin!"

"There isn't a witch or wizard that have gone bad and not been in Slytherin." Fred said

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