[03] Emperor Claude

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"What are these filthy Bugs doing in my palace?"

The twins stare in shock as there father, Claude de Alger Obelia, approached them. The three stay in silence while remaining eye contact.


Before Athalia could finish One of the bags tied around Athanasia's legs fell onto the ground, 'Athy seriously!'

'Its not my fault, it just fell!'

'We're going to die!'

'I'm going to die, you'll be fine!'

'Did you forget Claude hated Athalia for the first 3 weeks they visited each other! He wanted her dead!'

'We'll be fine we just have to run.'

'Ok, yeah we'll do that.'

"That Face I've seen it before.." Claude looked over at Athanasia, completely ignoring Athalia, "...Yes...Was it that Dancer from Siodonna? You look like at wench." He them looked over to Athalia which caused her to flinch, "Me...." He muttered, he seemed to be glaring at the twins.

'What's this guy doing here, I'm five not 9 and Tilly your not 6! We are not even meant to meet him at the same time!'

'Don't panic.'

'I'm panicking!' Athanasia was frozen on the spot with a trembling Athalia behind her, Claude reached out his hand to Athanasia, "Then again it doesn't matter where you both came from.."

"Your majesty." A Red haired man said from from behind Claude.

Claude Put a finger underneath Athanasia's chin and lifted her head up, "I think I remember what that wench named you both.." He let go of Athanasia's chin and shifted his gaze to Athalia, "I believe She name The twin that resembled me, Athalia." He then looked over to Athanasia, "And she named you Athanasia, Didn't she?"

'Does he want a medal of something, like well done you remebered you children's names!"

'Not the time tilly...'

"Back then you two were just tiny bugs who couldn't even lift their heads..." Claude lifted Athalia's hand, looking at it before letting it go, "You've both grown a lot."

Athalia was looking at her hand wondering what was wrong with it before realizing her hand was covered in chocolate Hannah had given her in secret before Athanasia and her left, ' He was probably pissed I got chocolate over his golden statues..' Athalia thought.

Her thoughts were cut of when a sound of something crashing to the floor was heard, another one of Athanasia's bags had dropped, Claude looked at the twins then the bags them the twins again before crushing a jewel that had rolled near his foot.

He them reached out and picked up Athanasia, Athalia was thinking of ways t help her but there was nothing, "Your heavy, You have chubby cheeks but I Didn't expect you to be this heavy," He chucked Athanasia to Felix, "Hold her."

He Then picked up Athalia who was mentally throwing a tantrum, "As expected your light, do they even feed you your wrists are so thin." His words might sound as if he cared but his face says hes just observing Athalia, "Now what were you both doing in my palace?" The twins looked at him in shock, they didn't realize this palace belonged to him! Athanasia was gripping the red haired knight called Felix, basically strangling him in frustration. Meanwhile Athalia and Claude were having a staring competition, Athalia looked at his innocently like she did nothing wrong while Claude was glaring at her trying to scare her.

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