[16] Family hugs are a thing?

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'The pain is slowly going away...' 

Athalia spoke to soon, as she felt hands softly shake her, her chest began to ache again.

"Princess! Can you hear me? Do you know who I am?!" Felix shouted, Athalia shot upwards nearly banging Felix on the head.

Remembering the events that occurred the day before, Athalia looked next to her in search of her sister. She relaxed when she saw Athanasia sleeping quietly next to her.

"Feli-" She began but stopped.

'Ah shit, I feel it start to sting.' Athalia held her stomach and brought her knees to her chest, " Ow Ow Ow Ow OW! Felix! It hurts! Ahhh." Athalia cried, 'I was fine a moment ago, why does it now feel like my insides are on fire!'

Felix Softly Hugged Athalia while she cried, "Your majesty What do we do?"

Claude looked at her daughters before turning around, "What do you think you're doing I told you to heal BOTH of them." The Man on the ground flinched, "What on earth did you do to make her condition worse."

"I beg your pardon, your majesty, but the princess's condition has not worsened. It is only because she is conscious now that she is feeling pain, if Princess Athanasia were to wake up now she would feel the same pain as Princess Athalia." The man sighed, "There isn't anything we can do when there mana is leaping to and fro inside her body like this..."

"So I told you to find a solution and yet you don't even have the decency to be ashamed of your incompetence."

"I beg for your forgiveness your majesty. But I am the most knowledgeable among the royal magicians when it comes to mana abnormalities." The man stuttered, "It is unlikely that another magician will be of help to the Princess's at this stage."

"Do You Wish to die?"

'I feel like I'm on my death bed.' Athalia cried onto Felix as he gently stroked her head, "Its ok Princess, The pain will stop soon."

Athalia looked up to Felix, "P..pinkie Promise?" Athalia held her little figure up for Felix to shake, "I..it has to be a Pinkie Promise." Athalia managed to say through the pain.

Felix chuckled, "I pinkie promise." Felix locked their Pinkie together, "You'll feel better soon, Princess.." Felix let go of Athalia's hand, She continued to cry while hugging Felix.

Athalia's gaze landed on her sleeping sister, 'she looks like sleeping beauty..' Athalia sniffled, 'If I don't really move the Pain isn't that bad..' She felt Felix let go of her and lay her down conformably on the bed.

"Daddy.." Athalia's eyes flickered to the man now standing over her, "Daddy It hurts.." Athalia made grabby hands towards Claude who in return gently held her hand, "Your noisy, go to sleep."

Claude let go of her hand and stroked her head. That's when Athalia fell back into slumber.


58 days later


"Wake up..Wake Up..Wake up."

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