~Chapter 5~

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"What are you doing with my son you land monster?!" Queen Alyssa yelled.

"Mom calm down! She's with me" Branch said firmly while putting his hand in front of Poppy to protect her.

Poppy looked at Branch's parents and saw they were angry but she tried her best to stay calm, friendly and positive.

"Hello your majesty's, my name is Poppy and I'm the princess of the pop trolls, I don't mean any harm to your people I just wanted to-" Poppy started to introduce herself but got cut off.

"We can't trust you land trolls, you're too weak naive and clueless! Not to mention our history with your people, what makes you think we can trust you?!" King Aquatis yelled.

"Dad just listen to her!" Branch yelled back.

The other mertrolls from the royal council went to see what the problem was, Barb was ready to strike her down but Trollex held her back.

"Let me go fish boy! I can twist her pink glitter-cheek face inside out!" Barb yelled trying to break free from his grasp.

"Wait! I agree with Prince Branch, perhaps we should hear the land troll out" Trollex suggested.

"Are you crazy?! We can't trust them like that they could hurt us, we could be kidnapped or enslaved" Queen Alyssa yelled.

"Maybe, but this land troll isn't doing any harm right now so how do we know if she's a threat?" Trollzart asked.

"She's a land troll! All land trolls are threats!" King Aquatis exclaimed.

They all looked at Poppy about to deal with her when suddenly twelve chimes of the clock were heard indicating that it was lunchtime.

"Lunchtime!!!" Barb exclaimed.

All the Royals sat at a huge table and Poppy was sitting at the end, being guarded to make sure she didn't do anything.

"Kelpcake?" A Mertroll butler offered

Poppy hesitantly took the Kelpcake and ate it and it was surprisingly good.

"Wait you were about to do something to me and stop for a lunch break?" Poppy asked.

"It's lunchtime, it's the best time of the day" Trollzart replied.

"So what exactly made you consider coming here anyways?" King Trollex asked trying to change the subject.

"Well I read about our history and I really think we could put aside our hate towards each other and become friends instead you know, be in harmony again" Poppy replied.

"And then what? Forced to be under your rules and all become one nation?" King Aquatis said dryly.

"Dad please, not at the table" Branch begged.

King Aquatis stayed silent because he didn't want to cause drama.

"Of course not, we would never do that, we're all about celebrating our differences and being unique but unified" Poppy explained.

"If you say so" Queen Barb replied sarcastically while eating her salad.

"I'm sure we can find a way to resolve this I'm sure if we got to know each other we could be friends again" Poppy reassured.

"Does anyone know about your visit" Queen Alyssa asked.

"Well... Branch knows and my dad wasn't on board with it though but I'm sure he'll understand" Poppy replied.

"Son, you should be more careful trusting some "land troll" why would you be so reckless?" King Aquatis asked.

Branch stood up because he was sick of the arguing.

"She's got a name mind you, Poppy is the most friendly land troll I've ever met, I know about safety and I always will, I'm the safety nerd! But I can feel that she has good intentions, so just trust me on this dad.. please?" Branch asked.

Everything was quiet for a moment, was this a good idea? Trusting the future king's word about a land troll? The council thought for a moment and made a decision.

"Alright, Princess Poppy, you may stay here to try to bond our worlds together but if you take one step out of line you will be banished, do you understand?" Queen Alyssa asked.

"Yes!" Poppy exclaimed, giving her a hug.

The guards were about to take her off but Queen Alyssa gave them the signal that it was alright.

Poppy realised the hug probably was a bit much so she finished hugging her and smiled innocently.

"Tug Deluth you can lead the tour and Branch you may follow since I'm trusting you to keep an eye on her" King Aqutis said.

"Yes you're majesty" Tug said bowing to the king.

"Don't show her everything we can't let her know every inch of the village" King Aquatis whispered in Tugs ear.

"Got it, I will give her the small tour" Tug whispered back and gave him a thumbs up.

"Eeee I'm so excited Branch! Let's go!" Poppy exclaimed and took his hand as they swam out of the dining hall.

"Wait! You have to let the tour guide lead!" Tug exclaimed while chasing after them.

"I still don't trust that girl" Barb said dryly.

"Don't worry she's not gonna hurt us, I assure you" King Aquatis replied.

Trolls: I'm In Love With A MertrollWhere stories live. Discover now