~Chapter 13~

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Tahlia was laughing at the wonderful darkness she was creating, almost half of the lights were out, she quickly destroyed each one so the seazites could move forward to the next one.

"The lights are too bright for me!" One seazite complained.

"Yeah, can we go to the castle and eat the mertrolls?" Another one asked.

"We go back when each light is destroyed plus, you are faster than me so I can get to each crystallite quicker" Tahlia explained.

"Ughhh fine" The seazite grumbled.

As Tahlia turned to her right, she noticed something in the distance swimming towards her, it was a bunch of land trolls? But what were they doing down in the ocean, curiosity got the best of her and she decided to investigate.

"What are a bunch of land trolls doing down here- gah! " Tahlia asked when she suddenly got glitter in her eyes.

"Take that you witch!" Guy exclaimed.

"Bet you can't catch us!" Satin teased while her sister stuck her tongue out.

"You're gonna pay for that you brats!" Tahlia yelled.

"You're gonna find us super annoying after this" Cooper laughed

They suddenly started to swim around in different directions

"Seazites! Get them!" Tahlia ordered.

The seazites started to charge towards them, Guy glittered one in the eyes while Holly kicked another with her hooves.

"Woohoo! I've never felt more alive!" Holly exclaimed.

Another one was about to attack Biggie but he remained calm.

"You seem tense, do you want to talk about it?" He asked kindly.

The seazite looked at him confused but nodded.

Fuzzbert was surrounded by seazites but Tiny came out of his hair and air horned them in their ears.

"That's how it's done yo!" Tiny crossed his arms proudly

"Tiny I told you to stay home!" Guy exclaimed.

"No daddy I wanted to help" Tiny said air horning another seazite

"Fine just stay close ok?" Guy glittered another seazite.

"Got it!" Tiny hopped back into his father's hair.

~Meanwhile at the castle~

Branch and Poppy quietly opened the door and saw a seazite that was supposed to guard the mertrolls was asleep, Branch saw his family and the other mertroll leaders trapped in a coral cage.

"Mom? Dad? Grandma?" Branch whispered.

"Son, I'm so glad you're alright" King Aquatis exclaimed quietly.

"We're here too you know" Barb rolled her eyes.

"They locked us in these magic cages yo" Trollex whispered.

"We've tried breaking them but it's impossible " Trollzart said quietly.

"Why is the land troll with you? And who are they?" Queen Alyssa asked looking over at Delta, R and B.

"It's ok, they're here to help" Branch explained trying to move the cage but it wouldn't budge.

"It's no use, it's magic coral there's no way out" Rosiepuff explained.

Poppy thought for a moment, she looked at the cage lock but she couldn't find any keys, Tahlia must've held onto them just in case, she checked her hair and grabbed her scrapbook scissors.

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