~Chapter 12~

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Branch was shocked, was Tahlia really back after all these years? She looked like she barely aged and he saw the anger on his family's face and the confusion on the other leaders and mertrolls.

"Did you miss me?" Tahlia asked in a joking manner.

"Tahlia how dare you show your face here! Leave! Now!" King Aquatis ordered.

"Always so harsh aren't you Aquatis? First, let me set the mood" Tahlia said wickedly.

With a wave of her staff, she started to turn any crystallite in sight dark and cold the room became darker and colder with every light that went out from the main crystallites in the ballroom to every crystallite the mertrolls wore for protection which unfortunately made them vulnerable to the seazites that took of their glasses that once was their leader and smiled wickedly with their sharp teeth. Tahlia turned back their leader to normal and the mertrolls panicked but Tahlia froze them in place so they couldn't move.

The leaders tried to attack her but they immediately got frozen in place too, King Aquatis held his hands in front of his wife and mother in law. "Whatever your plan is you need to stop, now!" King Aquatis yelled.

"Oh would you relax? I'm just having some fun" Tahlia rolled her eyes.

"You won't get away with this!" Queen Alyssa yelled.

"Oh I already have your highness" Tahlia cackled as she forced Trollex with magic to play some evil music.

🎵 I love singing solo, no need to take photos 🎵 Tahlia sang.

🎵 Dreary is cheery and gloomy is good for me 🎵

🎵 This world is mine for the taking
don't miss your complaining
all is sublime in my sinister symphony 🎵

She started to destroy the decor of the castle, replacing it with spikes and dark banners.

🎵 I'll destroy every crystallite
and the castle that I now miss will be mine
all its power
will be mine 🎵

🎵 Bring on the spotlight
prepare for the seazite bite 🎵

She gestured to the seazites who were already licking their mouths wanting to taste their soon to be food.

🎵 I havе the castle's power all to mysеlf
you'll remain trophies I put on my shelf
the world will be wicked
and all will bow to me 🎵

She cackled at her victory, she had successfully taken over the castle and captured the citizens, but she still had a lot of work to do to destroy all of the crystallites in Aqua Village.

Branch immediately swam away, far away, he knew he couldn't stop now, his family, his people, everyone was in danger, he needed to save them, but how? He kept swimming when suddenly he bumped into something, or more specifically, someone.

"Branch you're ok!" Poppy hugged him tightly.

"Wha- Poppy?" Branch was surprised but relieved to see her alive and safe.

"I came as fast as I could, Tahlia is back and has-" Poppy rambled but Branch interrupted.

"The seazites? Yeah, I saw what happened, she's taking out the crystallites and has everyone captured" Branch explained.

"Oh no! What are we going to do?" Poppy asked.

"What we need is a plan to stop Tahlia from freezing the crystallites in Aqua Village" Branch replied.

"Well you're not doing it alone I think we need more brainpower" Poppy said.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked cautiously.

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