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Peter: Uncle Loki...; )

Loki: Peter, why are you looking at me like that?

Nat: Don't tell me it's another ship with Tony.?

Peter: Im afraid it's a yes.

Tony: What? Is it with that Asgard alien?

Loki: .........wHat?

Peter: FrostIron.

Wanda: Wow now I wanna write fanfic about you two.

Thor: You what?

Clint: Tony was right, they are Asgard aliens.

Thor: Okay come pick up the hammer Midgard alien.

Peter: Okay here's the fan art:

Peter: Okay here's the fan art:

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Tony: Oh I still remember that day lol

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Tony: Oh I still remember that day lol.

Steve: Does that mean you two?....fondued?

Tony: NO! I meant the first one, Loki couldn't bring me under his control and it was super awkward.

Clint: Awkward..yeah probably very awkward.

Nat: Ship

Tony: WhA- ok ship

Loki: shippy

Sam: Sink

Wanda: Ship

Steve: I don't trust Stark. I know he already fondued with Loki. So I ship

Peter: Fondue? the food?

Tony: yes

Shuri: ship

Thor: ship

Rhodhey: what if it can be called Ironsnake? but I sink

Clint: Clinton says he ships it

Bucky: Ship lmao

Steve: Why are you laughing?

Bucky: You know Loki can shapeshift right?

Tony: Um yea

Bucky: That means he can change the size of his body parts too right?

Shuri: Omg Barnes! did you read that fanfic?

Steve: You read fanfics bucky?

Bucky: Yeah I read it FrostIron Oneshots. Tony is utterly bottom.

Tony: Please don't remind that.

Peter: Ok ship sailed!


Avengers reacting to shipsWhere stories live. Discover now