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Peter: I don't know this, but it's very interesting...

Nat: Whenever Pete talks like this, then the ship is gonna be weird.

Steve: Yeah, I know

Peter: The ship is cyber husbands!

Shuri: AKA Tony x Jarvis

Tony: How? an AI, people are not that dumb peter.

Shuri: But what if Jarvis had a human body or a figure? that's what people imagine.

Tony: That...would be awesome... what's vision then??????

Vision: I have my own feeling too but Jarvis had feelings only for you.

Tony: Yeah I miss him. Show the fan arts, Peter.

Peter: As thou say.

Steve: Did you learn that from Thor!?

Steve: Did you learn that from Thor!?

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Tony: I love these, I wish it could be true

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Tony: I love these, I wish it could be true.

Pepper: You love Jarvis more than me?

Rhodey: Jarvis had been with Tony since his birth, I meant his Butler.

Steve: Oh I knew him, Peggy used to tell me

Bucky: I ship!

Tony: Definitely SHIP!

Nat: Aw our playboy has deep feeling, so I ship

Peter: The last picture is funny as hell

Thor: I don't know ship or sink? 

Loki: Sink

Bruce: Ship Ship

Clint: Clinton ships this 

Wanda: Um yea we all ship this so go on

Peter: Yay yay I told yall it's interesting. Here we sail~~


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