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Peter: My Favourite SHIPPPPPPPPPPP!!!

Tony: Peter, which are not your favourite ship? literally, you like everything?

Peter: No No this one is very personal to me, I read all the fanfics on this ship.

Wanda: OMG Peter your mind is so wild!

Shuri: Did you read his mind??!!

Wanda: I didn't do it on purpose! I did my mistake, I'm sorry but that's very very kinky ship

Nat: I bet it involves bucky or Tony, either of them

Peter: WHat if both of them?

Sam: No we already saw WinterIron it's over Peter

Peter: No this is a Poly ship, 3 in 1

Bucky: How many people are limit??

Steve: Bucky what are you gonna marry more than 2 people?

Bucky: I might

Peter: the ship is Stuckony, Steve x Tony x Bucky

Sam: WhAA??? Stop the Bucky ships!!!

Shuri: No matter what you say~~

Steve: I know Tony is the utter bottom here

Nat: Definitely is that a serious question??

Bucky: Oh Tony my Lil bottom baby~~

Tony: That's it, I'm done with the ships

Peter: Nooooooooooooooooo Mr Stark~

Thor: Other than starker Tony is bottom in every ship lol

Clint: Clinton ships this and needs to see fanarts!

Peter: Oh yea I forgot about that-

Tony: NOooO I know those fan arts aren't gonna be good

Peter: close your eyes Mr Stark and don't worry I have loads of stuckony in my phone, finally my time has come!

Peter: close your eyes Mr Stark and don't worry I have loads of stuckony in my phone, finally my time has come!

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Bucky: Fuck!

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Bucky: Fuck!

Steve: Language, but fuck what is this?

Tony: 😳

Clint: You horny bastards!

Wanda: I- wow I saw more than this in Peter's mind...

Nat: So far this is hot

Sam: No no absolutely sink!

Wanda and Nat: SHIPPP

Thor: Midgardians....I ship

Bruce: Ship

Shuri: Literally our OTP

Tony: Our? 

Shuri: Mine, Peter and Wanda's

Tony: Yall whA-

Steve and Bucky: We ship this

Tony: I thought you both won- nvm I ship

Peter: We sail 


A/N- Loki/Sylvie is most requested and I wanna write it, but I haven't watched the Loki series  yet so please till then

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