Chapter 24: Training Camp II

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At the aforementioned dinner service, everyone digs in to their food. Kirishima and Kaminari overzealously enjoys the wide variety of food.

"So good! Rice is so good!"

"It's just as good as the Lunch rush!"

Pixie-Bob explains that this is the only time the students will be well fed during the training, so we need to enjoy it. Following dinner, the students go to the hot springs. 

The wound in my chest already healed. I recalled about the dream about my ancestor and the people who live in Taisho era.

"You seem in a deep thought. Everything alright?" Tokoyami asked.

"Hm? Oh yeah. I'm fine, just thinking about what we'll be doing tomorrow." I respond calmly, not wanting them to worry.

"Well, frankly, food and stuff isn't really that important. That's not what I'm here for. I know that much, at least. What I'm here for is beyond that wall." Mineta stated, staring the wooden wall.

"What are you talking to yourself about, Mineta?" Izuku asked.

"This feels great!"

"I love that there are hot springs here." We overheard the girls from the other side.

"See, there they are. Nowadays, for them to not stagger bathing times for men and women is an accident. Yes, an accident waiting to happen." Mineta stated. Some had a blush on their faces while listening to Mineta.

"Better stop him or I'm going to implode his brain." I uttered to Iida who nodded and stood up.

"Mineta, stop it! What you are doing is demeaning for both yourself and the girls! It is shameful behavior!" Iida says as he approach Mineta. I glance at Izuku and the others who seem to have thought that I'm finally return to normal.

"You're too fussy." Mineta uses his Quirk to scale up the wall. "Walls are meant to be climbed over! Plus Ultra!" Before he could reached the top, Kota appeared and stop him.

"Before learning to be a hero, you need to learn about being human." Kota says before he slaps Mineta making him to fall on Iida.

The girls thank Kota, and he turns around and shocked, Kota faints and falls over the wall himself.

"Look out!" Izuku jumps out to save Kota before he takes the boy to Mandalay.

"I think I'm done for now." I says before leaving the hot spring. I stay outside the camp while everyone went to sleep.

I took a picture out of my pocket and stare at it for a while. 

"Why aren't you asleep?" I was caught off guard, turning my head and saw Aizawa. "Is something wrong?"

"It's nothing sensei."  I calmly replied before hiding the picture.

"Hey, something is obviously wrong. You can always tell me is something's bothering you." 

"It's really nothing Aizawa-sensei, I'm just clearing my mind for a while."

"Tomioka, please understand that I am your teacher. First and foremost I am your teacher but secondly I am also a parental figure when your parental figures are not here present.

Which of course like everyone else's. So, as your de facto father figure, I urge you to tell me what's bothering you."

I smiled delightful, "You're a nice and caring teacher. Thanks. But, I'm really fine sensei. I'll go rest now, sorry for making you worry." I stand up and walk towards the campus as Aizawa watched me enter the building.

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