My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising part 3

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"Nine! The target's in the mountain castle ruins. Along with the heroes." Slice reports to her leader.

"A defensive front?" Chimera said.

Nine turns around and face his ally. "Let's head straight toward our goal. The one who'll become King, doesn't need to rely on cheap tricks." 

Determined  to take Katsuma no matter the cost. The villains made their way to Mount Shiroyama after Slice scouted them on the ruins of the ancient castle.

"They're here. All three of them." Shouji stated.

As according to plan, the villains approach exactly down the path that Deku predicted. Shouji is the one in charge of guarding Katsuma and Mahoro while Jirou and Ojiro are nearby as the lookout.

'We are counting on you. Yaoyorozu, Aoyama.'

The first line of defense consists of Yaoyorozu and Aoyama. 

Yaoyorozu is very tired after using her Creation Quirk the night before by providing utilities for the evacuated islanders, but she is still willing to take on the villains.

"Twenty seconds until they're on the spot. Aoyama-san. Get your Naval laser to maximum output!" She orders Aoyama to start charging the energy his Navel Laser.

"Charging up." 

"5.. 4.. 3.. 2... 1."

"Can't Stop Twinkling: Super Nova!" 

When the villains are already in the agreed position, Aoyama attacks using his super move Supernova to fire a massive navel laser bombardment at the villains.

'I won't stop Twinkling Y/n! Like how you never stop fighting!'

"Plus Ultra!"

While Nine blocks the attack with his Air Wall Quirk, Slice and Chimera breaks away from the blast, unaware that they are falling right into their trap.

"This is it!" Then Yaoyorozu removes the cloak and reveals two large cannons she had created. "I made these using the last of my lipids! It's my final attack!"

She begins firing at the villains.

Slice easily dodges the blast and mocks about the aiming. "Terrible aim- what?!"

However, the blast cause Slice to fall into an underground cavern while Chimera rushes towards a nearby waterfall.

"Phase one... complete."

"I can't... My stomach." Yaoyorozu and Aoyama are completely exhausted, but the first phase is accomplished.

"It worked! They're separated!"

'All according to plan so far. We'll protect everyone no matter what!' Midoriya thought.

"Tape Shot: Trident!" Sero shouted.

"Release!" Uraraka and him commence their assault on Nine.

Sero throw huge boulders at Nine, while Uraraka uses her Zero Gravity to rain down debris on Nine to force him to use his Quirks as much as possible.

"Uraraka!" Sero dodges Nine's laser beams.

"Sero-kun!" Uraraka shouted as she makes more boulders and Sero uses his tape to grab it and throws at Nine.

"We'll make the villain wear out his Quirk!" They both said in unison. 

"Take this!"

In the dark underground cave, Slice uses her Quirk to free herself from the debris that had fallen on her.

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