9. Be a good girl

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An hour had passed before Annika returned, looking solemn and far drunker than she had been when she had left. Her eye makeup wasn't quite as neat as it had been.

"Where did you go?" Caia asked.

"My office. I had some work to attend to."

"Work huh. Selling hard drugs and torturing anyone who didn't pay up in time?"

"Yes," Annika said, her attention seemingly elsewhere. "Something like that." She looked Caia up and down. "Let's go. Feel free to appear thoroughly fucked while you walk through the crowd."

"And how would I play that? Would I be blissfully happy, or devastatingly broken?"

"How about blissfully broken?" Annika said, arching a brow. Despite her words, her expression remained serious. There was no happiness there. She found no amusement in their banter.

When they walked through the crowd, Caia didn't bother looking like anything other than she was. Hurt, confused, and full of regret. When they reached the car, she slipped inside, remaining silent.

One of the perks of being filthy rich meant never having to find transport home. No, Annika had staff to do that too. Even that car was a classy Mercedes. But the ride home was tense, with the two of them sitting in the back seat in silence, with the divider between them and the driver up. They were completely and entirely alone. That in itself was enough to terrify Caia.

After twenty minutes of silence, Annika asked, "What does he have on you?"

Caia looked out the window, watching the lights streak past. "I don't want to talk about it."

"What I'm having difficulty figuring out," Annika said after a while. "Is why an intelligent young woman like yourself would ever cross paths with scum like Dan."

"What makes you think I'm intelligent?"

Annika glanced sidelong at Caia. "You're quick to figure things out. You don't miss details... Am I wrong in my assumption?"

Caia shrugged. "Maybe I'm just as much of a lowlife as Dan. Maybe I always have been."

"I don't believe that for a second."

"Yeah well, I don't care what you believe." Caia balled her hands into fists to containing her rage. "What about you? How does a seemingly normal, upper class woman end up in charge of a massive drug cartel? Because beneath the tats and the half-shaved head, that's what you are, right? You don't speak like one of them, and you don't act like it. I don't buy it. You act like a monster, but a monster doesn't treat someone the way you treat me."

"I told you not to ask about my business."

Caia fell silent in fear of angering Annika further.

Once they were within the confines of her home, Annika turned to Caia. "You're not the only one in pain."

"What makes you think I'm in pain?"

A short, bitter laugh left Annika's chest. "Goodnight, Caia."

"Wait," Caia said. She was desperate to take Annika's pain away. No matter what kind of person she was, Caia hated seeing her so sad. "I'll come with you."

Annika shook her head. "I don't want that."


Annika sighed. "Fine."

They didn't cuddle. Didn't speak. Annika remained on her side of the bed with her back to Caia, and eventually her breaths grew deeper and she fell asleep.

But Caia couldn't shake the feeling of Annika's touch. Her body was still in a frenzy. She couldn't figure Annika out, but one thing she knew for certain was that she was attracted to her. So incredibly attracted to her. And because she couldn't help herself, Caia slipped her hand into her underwear to soothe the burn, almost crying out on contact.

She was more aroused than she ever had been, and it didn't take long before she was close.

That was until she felt Annika stir beside her. Caia froze, pretending to be asleep, until the blanket was pulled back.

Annika smirked. She was still half asleep and looked drunk with arousal. "Would you like a hand?"

"Uh... Sorry."

"I can go if you'd prefer," Annika said. "I'll give you some privacy."

"Wait," Caia said. "What do you mean by hand?"

"You can touch yourself, while I... give you motivation."

Perhaps it was that Caia was already so aroused and now the object of her fantasy was there, or perhaps because she had accepted Annika for who she truly was, but either way, she accepted the offer.

Annika shifted closer and placed her hand on Caia's thigh. "Is this alright?"


"Touch yourself," Annika whispered, her lips close to Caia's ear.

Caia cried out as her finger slid back in place. Having Annika close made it more intense. More real.

"Tell me how it feels."

"It's..." Caia was so close, she struggled to concentrate.

"Stop," Annika said, placing a hand on Caia's wrist. "You don't come until I say so."

Caia moaned at the command. "Please?"

Annika ran her hand up Caia's thigh, stopping when she was almost at the top. She grazed her fingers over Caia's abdomen, then placed them gently on her neck, earning herself a whimper.

"I won't hurt you," Annika said. "And I'm not going to choke you." She smirked. "Not tonight, at least. Not until you're ready."

Another involuntary moan left Caia's lips. "May I please finish?"

Annika grazed a finger over Caia's wrist. "Good girl for asking. But first you need to answer my question."


"How does it feel?"

"Good," Caia cried.

"Are you wet?"

Caia nodded. She didn't remember a time when she had been more aroused, and she knew it would please Annika to know that. "I've never been so wet in my life."

With a smile, Annika said. "Is that the truth?"


"Good girl," Annika whispered. "You can keep going now."

"But can I..." Caia cried out as she made gentle circles with the tip of her finger. Her breathing quickened, and she couldn't stop herself even if she wanted to.

Annika kissed a trail across Caia's neck, before pulling her earlobe between her teeth. "Be a good girl and come for me."

"Oh god," Caia cried as the full force of her pleasure slammed through her in waves. It was the most intense orgasm she had ever had, and seemed to stretch on forever. As her heartbeat slowed, she relaxed and gave Annika a drunken grin.

"Goodnight, dear Caia," Annika whispered. "Sleep well."

For the first time in her life, Caia fell asleep in someone's arms.


Hope you enjoyed the first of many smutty chapters! Don't forget to vote and leave a comment if you're enjoying the story so far! I love interacting with people while they read my work, so I'd love to know your thoughts. 

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