24. A proper goodbye

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Caia had cried every day for the last two weeks. It had been hard to do as she had promised and not fall back into old habits. So she stayed in her apartment, having her food delivered to her to ensure she wouldn't go out in search of drugs. She would never be stupid enough to contact Dan, but she knew other suppliers. It wouldn't be hard to approach them with some of the cash Annika had given her.

And she was in so much pain that it was a subject of constant temptation. But she knew she had to stay strong. Annika would come for her any day now. They would go back to normal and things would be okay once more.

The only thing that had kept her strong these last weeks was knowing Hallie was also out there, missing Annika. And Skye's calming voice on the other end of the line.

She dialled Skye's number, waiting for her to answer.

"Hey sweetie," Skye said. "How are you feeling today?"

"I miss her," Caia said, the tears in her eyes showing in her voice. "So much."

"I know. And I know she'd be missing you too."

"Do you think this will ever be over? I thought she'd be back by now."

Skye sighed. "She left us both with enough resources to last a year. She prepared for this..."

"I wish I had refused. Maybe if I had fought her on it she wouldn't have sent me away."

"But you know she had to. The people she's working with are dangerous. If they got to you, they could torture you to get to her. Or torture you for information."

A sob left Caia's chest. "I'm so scared for her. I'm scared this will get her killed."

"I know. Me too."

In the background, the sound of children playing filled the air, before Hallie's voice rang out. "Is that Aunty Caia?" she called.

They had spoken every single day for the last two weeks. It had become their daily ritual.

"Here," Skye said.

"Aunty Caia," Hallie said into the phone.

"Hey bug," Caia said, pushing her tears down. "How are you?"

"Good... I went swimming today, and I played cars with Jordan but he wouldn't play horsey with me so I'm not going to play cars with him anymore."

Caia laughed. "I'll play horsey with you soon, bug."


"Not tomorrow. But soon."


Caia could hear Skye in the background, before Hallie said her goodbye.

That little voice on the other end of the line was what was keeping her together. She couldn't touch a single pill knowing that at any moment, Hallie would need her.

"Have you left the house yet?" Skye asked.

"No. I'm too scared to."

"Maybe you should. It's not good for you to be cooped up. Go out, find a distraction. Go buy new photography equipment."

"I'm not just scared about buying drugs. I'm scared if I leave the house I'll be tempted to go see her. She's there, in that house, at the club. She's so close and I can't even see her."

"No. You mustn't go to the house or the club, or everything she's done to keep you safe will be for nothing. Just stay away, Cai. Okay?"

Caia wiped her eyes. "Okay."

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