30. This is a punishment, after all

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There was still a faint tremor in Caia's muscles as she walked downstairs for lunch. She felt fuzzy and warm, almost as if she had taken something. But she didn't need drugs when she had something far greater. The crop had stung, far more than she had expected. It had brought tears to her eyes in an instant. Made her grit her teeth to stop from screaming out in pain. But beyond that, was pleasure. She had felt herself getting wetter as each second passed. The dominance Annika exuded was hypnotic. Caia would do anything she asked, merely to hear her whisper words of praise in response. She would take whatever punishment necessary, knowing it pleased the woman she loved. Caia could almost not believe just how much she would do for Annika in those moments when she surrendered herself to her. She would never have considered before meeting her that she would ever submit to anyone.

Every step, every shift of her jeans against her skin, reminded her of the four lines on the backs of her thighs, and the pleasure that had accompanied them. It was enough to keep her distracted.

When she reached the kitchen, Annika slid a glass of orange juice and a grilled chicken salad toward her. "Eat."

"Where's yours?"

Annika shook her head. "I'm fine," she said, her brow low.

"You're in pain." Caia rounded the kitchen counter to stand in front of Annika. "You overdid it."

"I'm fine," Annika repeated.

"You're not fine," Caia said. "Not if you're in too much pain to eat."

Annika gripped each of Caia's wrists and leant closer. "How many of your rules are you willing to break for this?"

Challenging Annika was a rule Caia was willing to break if it meant they were being safe. "I'm worried about you."

"I know. But do you trust me? Because right now it feels like you don't."

"Yes, I trust you but I—"


Caia closed her eyes. She wondered what the punishment for challenging Annika would be. She would likely spend the entire afternoon wondering. "Sorry."

Annika placed one finger beneath Caia's chin, tipping her head back. "Yes, I am in pain. Yes, I overdid it. I know you're worried, but you need to trust me."

Remaining silent, Caia expressed her displeasure with a deep frown.

"I'll give you one chance to speak your mind."

"I'm worried about the fact that you're in so much pain you won't even eat."

Annika nodded. "I'm okay. I didn't cause any damage, but my chest hurts, which is why I don't feel like eating. I'll take it easy for the afternoon. And if I think there's a problem, I'll let you know."


"I promise." Annika kissed the top of Caia's head. "Eat your lunch. I've also filled up a water bottle in the fridge for you, which I expect to be empty by dinner. Let me know if you finish it before then."

"Yes, ma'am," Caia said, smirking.

Annika's brow lifted. "Is sarcasm respectful?"

"That wasn't sarcasm," Caia argued. When all Annika did was stare at her, she lowered her head. "Okay, it was."

"Two," Annika said with a wolfish grin. "Now, eat your lunch."

Caia wondered what would happen if she continued to rack up punishments. What would Annika do if she got to ten? To twenty? She thought it best not to try, despite it being in her nature to be bratty.

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