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Chapter 3

I heard my alarm clock ring. I extended my arm towards my bedside table to hit the snooze button. I still can't force my eyes to open so I kept still while I try to recharge myself before I can get myself up. I still can smell Richard's scent linger and it's incredible because it smells stronger than it did last night. I thought I was just imagining things, that is until I felt an arm wrapped around my belly. 

What the-

I turned around to see who it was even though I knew exactly who it is I'm dealing with.

"Come on, it's only six in the morning." muttered Richard grumpily. When did he get here?

I removed his arm and threw it back to him.

"Sir, what are you doing on my bed?" I inquired.

He squirmed as if I interrupted his sleep.

"I wasn't told that my room was ready."

I squinted at him in annoyance. He can't see my expression anyway with his eyes closed.

"And you chose to sleep here without even bothering to check your own room?"

He smiled and wrapped his arm around me again, this time a little tighter, bringing me closer to him.

"You know, that's the first time I actually heard a tinge of emotion in your voice." he whispered.  "That's good. It reminds me that you're not a robot unlike yesterday." his voice husky. 

I calmly removed his arm and got up on the bed. He's right. I made a mistake. Robert  did not actually train me to speak in an almost monotoned voice. However, I decided to imitate how he would speak always to everybody. It was one of those things I liked about him, the sense of calmness in his voice. Regal. Gentle but void of emotion. You'll never even know if he was mad at you or something. Imitating him is how a proper butler would do in my opinion. 

However, I spoke to Richard and the tone of my voice appears like I scolded him which was unacceptable because after all, he is the owner of this house and I'm employed under their care.

"I apologize sir. You may sleep here if you'd like but I must advice you that your room is now ready for occupancy." I exclaimed formally gaining back the composure in my voice.

He slapped the bed dismissively. 

"Boo. When did you become such a bore?"

I took that as an opportunity to leave. I'd rather take a shower later and change into my work clothes when he's gone. I went to the kitchen and turned on their industrial grade coffee machine. It  was a high-end espresso machine which I was taught how to use and operate. What can I say? The Prestons really love their coffee.

I prepared everything from grinding the coffee until steaming the cold milk which is kind of soothing to do. It's one of the task I enjoy doing. I made a cup for myself first to taste if its satisfactory and also to fully wake me up. Once I was done, I prepared another cup for Richard. I went back to my room and saw him on my bed still snoozing. I left the tray of coffee and cookies on my bedside table. 

Richard smelled the nice aroma wafting from the cup of joe once I opened the window. He then finally woke-up out of curiosity but shielded his eyes with his hand from the morning sun.

"Good morning sir. Today is your big day and I would like to congratulate you in advance." I said. 

He didn't respond but sipped a bit from his coffee.

"This is to officially inform you that your room is now set. Also, I kept your bag inside your closet."

He got one of the cookies and took a bite. If you would also give him a newspaper for him to read, it would appear as though he's currently enjoying his vacation inside an expensive hotel room unbothered.

"Shouldn't you be preparing for the celebration?" I asked.

"Well shouldn't you?" he returned the question back to me.

I bit my tongue but smiled sardonically. "I believe you would be more comfortable in your own room."  He just can't read between the lines.

Why can't he just enjoy his damn coffee in his room?

He crossed his arms and wrinkled his brows. "And what's wrong about spending my time here?" he shot back.

I stared at his outfit. He didn't even changed his clothes the last time I saw him. 

"Nothing sir." 

If you like it that much why won't we switch rooms  for your pleasure, I heard a voice respond in my mind. Knowing Richard, you'll never know what devious plans he has on his sly mind but I know this is just one of his tactics to annoy me. I'm starting to notice that It's one of the things he never grew out of.

"But um," I pursed my lips almost in a pout. "I need to take a bath and change into my uniform... Sir." I replied.

He took another cookie and dipped it in the coffee before taking a bite.  "Well, what's stopping you?" he said in between his chewing.

Again, I put out my fake smile. This guy really knows how to get on my nerves. I decided I'll just change my clothes in the shower. I took my towel and prepared my uniform on top of it. I saw Richard observing me curiously and it made me conscious even though I was doing nothing illegal.

I was about to step into the bathroom when he made a comment.

"Seriously, you're going to change your clothes in the shower?"

"Yes sir. I believe it would be proper not to show my naked body while you're eating." I said.

He almost choked on the cookie he's eating. He coughed for a while and sipped his coffee to clear his throat. 

"It's not a problem to me but for your own interest, you may leave your clothes here. I'll leave once I finished drinking this coffee."

I stared at him for a minute. Should I trust him? What if he would take my clothes and hide them where I could not find them. Surely he's too old for pranks now right? After a complex thinking of what ifs, I reluctantly put down my clothes on the chair near my study table. Let's see if I can trust him this time.

I quickly took a shower and put on my robe before opening the door. Like he promised, he was gone and the only thing left is the empty cup of coffee. Well look at that, my clothes are still here. I scanned the room. You could never be too sure so I also checked under my bed and inside my closet if he's hiding there, waiting for an opportunity to scare me.

Once satisfied, I locked my door and removed my robe. However, as I was putting on my underwear, I heard a knock from the door. I was startled and I fell on the floor with a loud thud.

"Hey, are you alright?" I heard him ask outside.

"Don't come in!" I yelled even though I was aware that I locked the door. "I'm fine!" 

I stood up and hastily put on my clothes while Richard was knocking on the door repeatedly. Once done, I took a quick look at myself in the mirror before opening the door.

"Yes? How may I help you?"  I asked almost out of breath.

Richard eyed me inquisitively. "What just happened?"

"I tripped that's all." 

He looked unsatisfied with my answer but ultimately dismissed any more inquiries.

"I think I left my phone here." he said.

He invited himself back to my room and started to look in my bed by lifting my blanket aggressively until a faint thud was heard. He picked up his phone on the floor and checked it for any damages. Satisfied, he glanced to me from up to down as if judging me silently.

After a series of up and down glances, I found it annoying. "Yes?" I finally asked.

"Your fly's open." he pointed at my pants.

I felt myself fluster with shame when I put my hand on my zipper only to find out that it was indeed open. I immediately zipped it up embarrassingly. I cleared my throat and said my thanks while he smirked as a way to ridicule me further.

I changed the topic. "By the way, what would you like for breakfast?"

"Whatever's on the menu today that is light." he replied and finally went out of my room with a satisfied grin on his face.

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