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Chapter 22

We both lie frozen, our eyes wide from shock. In that fleeting instant, a shocking realization dawned on me: Richard and I just shared a kiss!

"Get out of the way you damn lovebirds!" yelled an irate biker, his words jolting us back to reality. Crude language but I appreciate the wake-up call. I quickly regained my composure and rushed to help Richard up.

Clearing my throat, I mumbled, "I'm sorry. " my thoughts spinning. Uncertain whether the unexpected kiss was real or a figment of my imagination, I chose to dismiss it for now.

"No need to apologize." Richard replied casually.

"Thanks again for saving me back there."

"No problem. Consider it paid when you decided to kiss me back then."

I felt my face flush. So it wasn't just my imagination. Richard chuckled, clearly enjoying how embarrassed I was right now.

"Your expression says it all. It's cute how flustered you get."

My cheeks grew even warmer.


"Carl, relax. It's fine. Don't stress too much about it."

"I'm not stressing!"

"Come on. It's written all over your face. But don't worry about it. I liked it too." he placed his hands on my shoulder reassuring me that everything will be alright.

I jerked his hands away and moved the bicycle out of the way. It's ironic though because I remembered when Robert, my old mentor, criticized me for having an expressive face that revealed my thoughts too easily. Perhaps that's why Richard enjoys teasing me so much.

Ignoring his banter, I regained my composure and acted as though that nothing had happened.

"What is that?" he asked, gesturing toward my face. "You're not fooling anyone." he added with another hearty laugh.

I simply stared at him.

"Hey Carl."


"Are you pretending that nothing happened back there?"

"That I don't know how to maneuver a bike? I'm well aware of that." I replied, pushing the bike and walking away from him.

"Don't try to deny it."

"Deny what exactly?"

"That you kissed me and you liked it."

I stopped on my tracks and rebuked his statement.

"I didn't kiss you! It was an accident!"

"Aha! So our lips did touch."

He decided to make things awkward again by making us acknowledge the fact that our lips touched for a second there. Annoyed, I lightly punched his chest and grabbed the bike. "I'm returning this." I said.

"But we're not finished yet." Richard protested.

"I'm done." I retorted, feeling frustrated.

"Don't be a coward. You still can't ride the bike."

I closed my eyes briefly trying to calm myself. He knows me very well that I do not like being taunted.

"Ugh. Fine! Just don't make this awkward please."

"I can't promise  you that." he chuckled.

"Can you at least promise not to laugh?"

"I'll do my best."

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