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Chapter 11

It seems like my prayers last night has been answered because today looks like it's gonna be a good day. The weather is nice and the sky looks clear. It's been raining these past few days but I don't feel like bringing an umbrella for my trip. However, it seems like the world doesn't want me to enjoy my day off because I heard the sound of Richard's car approaching behind me. I looked back and didn't expect him to be this close already. He honked the car and halted it as it reached my place. I stopped in my tracks and his car window went down.

"Get in!" he instructed.

I scoffed. "It's my day off sir. I already told you that days prior." Unbelievable. If he expects me to work today, I swear I'll scratch his beloved car.

"I know. I'm gonna visit her too." he replied.

I was a little bit surprised that he remembers what this day means to me, let alone knows about my routine when I only started doing this when he was away studying for college. Dumbfounded, I hesitantly opened the door and got inside his car. 

I just leaned my head on the front door glass and observed the trees blurring and blending as the car passed by swiftly. Richard kept silent and it's fitting because today is about commemorating a sad event.

We reached the cemetery without saying any word to each other. I was ready to instruct Richard on how to reach my mother's memorial but instead I was amazed that he still remember how to reach the area considering that he was young when we held the ceremony. He stopped the car and I looked at him.

"Uhm. Thanks." I said and opened the door. I stepped out of the car and trudged towards my mother's headstone. I looked back expecting Richard to follow me but he just stayed behind, leaning on his car with his hands in his pockets.  

I placed the collection of flowers I picked this morning on her memorial before taking a deep breath. "Hi mom." I greeted almost in a whisper. Every time I visit her, I would always talk about the things I rarely share with anyone. 

"Here I am! Still working for the Prestons ." I started. "Speaking of which, this time I'm not alone. Richard's with me. I didn't expect him to remember the directions going to your resting place but I guess he really did care about you... and me." I took a short pause and looked behind me again to check how his doing. There he was sitting on the car hood. Our eyes met for a second before I returned my gaze on the grassy land. 

"You know... I just can't understand him sometimes. He acts like he's always pissed at me for something. I get this feeling that I did something wrong but sometimes when you least expect it, he would act sympathetic and concerned and would treat me like I'm his only friend." 

Feeling alone more than ever, I shook my head and closed my eyes to hold in the tears that is beginning to cloud my vision. "I don't know mom. I guess I just miss you." I looked up with eyes closed and began to mentally count from one to three to distract myself. 

In that instant, I felt a warm hand clasp my shaking fingers. I opened my eyes only to see Richard gently holding my hand. He offered a soft smile as if to comfort me. Suddenly, I remembered myself crying in the chapel as the priest is reading the final rites. Little Richard sat beside me and held my hand with his eyes saying that it's gonna be alright. Even though he was just a kid doing an action full of innocence, I felt better and the feeling of being alone was somehow lessened.

I can't help but smile a little. Richard is my first friend after all. Although he doesn't always show it, I appreciate the times when he would convey it in a sincere manner because those genuine and heartfelt moments are forever etched in my memories. We stood there with our usual language of silence but I fully understood his message.

I finished my prayers in my head and I retrieved my hand from Richard's grasp to hold my mother's headstone one last time before we head back to town.

"I appreciate what you have done for me today and for that, I thank you." I said to express my gratitude once we entered the car.

"Don't worry about it." he replied. "So.... how would you like to spend the remaining of your day off? I can drive you to your next destination."

"I usually spend my time going around town. You can drop me off near the farmer's market."

Richard nodded. 

"Okay. To farmer's market we go." He turned on the ignition and somehow the sound of the car's engine makes me miss the feeling of driving. It's been days since the last time I drove and I'm getting itchy to put my hand on the steering wheel again.

"Why won't you let me drive the next time?" I offered again.

He smirked. "I think you already know the answer to that question." 

"Yes. But I don't understand why. I should be the one sitting there while you should be at the back reading a newspaper or something."

"You're seriously thinking about driving me during your day-off?"

"Okay. How about Monday and the next days?" 

"Still no." he answered firmly.

"But why?" I asked and it sounded like I was a desperate little kid asking their parents why I needed to grow up before I have to know how babies are made.

"Because... I like driving you to work."


"I mean, I love driving with or without somebody with me." he followed up.

I think I just have to accept the fact that my hands will not be on the steering wheel soon. But it's so damn boring having to sit in the car with the lack of any stimulant or activity.

"You could at least turn the radio on instead of letting us suffer in silence the whole time." I proposed.

"I never liked the radio. It's just a distraction." Richard replied.

"And us talking is not a distraction?"

"Yes." he agreed. "Radio content is just a glorified noise. Besides, I'd rather talk with you than listen to the radio."

Is he being serious right now? I still can't determine where to put the line that separates him being from sarcastic or just being indifferent. Thankfully, we finally reached our destination and he stopped the car near the sidewalk.

I thought about everything he has done for me today and it's making me feel guilty just to send him home.

And so I mustered all my courage to ask him, "Do you have plans for today?"

He thought about it for a moment before answering. "None. Why?"

I just hope I will not regret this decision. Meeting his gaze, I invited him. "Would you like to come with me?"

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