Chapter 2

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Insane Nights--》 Chapter 2

Insane Nights--》 Chapter 2

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Nick Goode is standing near the small stage that is placed on the Football Field and watched as all the teenagers from Shadyside arrived in Sunnyvale but his eyes searched for one specific Girl with shoulder length brown hair and deep brown eyes. When he found her he was in awe.

'How could someone look so gorgeous in a Cheerleading uniform.' Nick tought to himself.

But of Course Goode wasn't the only one that noticed the beauty of the girl. Most of the Teenager Boys were staring at her and how perfect the Uniform fits her body. This made him actually feel really jealous. But what made his blood boil was that one boy that came after Amy out of the Bus, put his arm around her shoulders and wisphered something in her ear wich caused her to laugh. Nick wanted to do that and nobody else was aloud to do such a thing with her. On the other side of the Football field Amelia was laughing at something Simon said about these bitchy Sunnyvaler kids. She felt somebody stare at her intensive and when she looked around she instantly found a pair of dark brown eyes staring right into her blue ones. Of course she knew exactly to whom these eyes belonged. She felt like she was put in a trance. Nothing around her was important anymore just his eyes and the way they looked into hers. That was until Simon decided to destroy the moment, unintentionally, by pulling her to the middle of the Football field were the other Shadysider kids were already standing. The whole time the Mayor talked Amy didn't even listened, instead she was secretly admiring a certain somebody in a Sheriff Uniform. She came back to reality when some Sunnyvaler Teenager screamed: "It's not a tragedy when it's happening every single week!" Amy moved fowards looking directly in the eyes of that Sunnyvaler Teenage boy.

"At least we don't pretend that we're something better then the rest of the world! And by the way I liked what you've done to your school. Very creative!" Amy smirked standing right in front of the Guy with Kate and Simon right by her sides.

The Shadysider kids laughed and cheered behind her as they realized she was the one who sprayed the Sunnyvaler Highschool. "You were that?!" The kid, who Amy assumed was the Football Captain, angrily shouts.

Nick who's still standing on the stage is watching carefully if he has to step in and separate the two teens. "Yeah I tought your school needs to look at least a little bit like all of your dumb dork faces." Amy laughs at the angry look on the boys face.

"God your such a bitch! Maybe this is the actually reason your mother decided to die because she couldn't live with with such disappointing as a daugther!"

The more the Boy says the more Amy's face fell into a angry expression until she snapped and punched him right in the face. Kate and Simon, like the loyal best Friends they are, helped right away and punched two other Football players that wanted to go after Amy. Nick acted fast and jumped down the Stage but he wasn't fast enough and a whole fight between the 2 Schools had already started. More Officers needed to come and help to separate all of the students until Nick finally saw the person he wanted to find from the beginning on. Amy just punched another Sunnyvaler Student as she felt two strong arms wrapping themselves around her torso and pulling her away.

But Amelia didn't even think about stopping yet she struggled and fought against the arms but whoever hold her was much stronger than her. Nick needed to thing fast and he knew Amy wouldn't calm down with all the Sunnyvaler Highschool kids around her so with one simple Movement he brings her and him behind a wall were nobody from the Field could see them. He pushed her back against the wall and held her shoulders so she wouldn't escape. Amy still hasn't realized who hold her until she heard the soft and gentle voice from the Handsome man she secretly admired the whole Evening. "Amy! Amy! You need to calm down!" Amy stopped fighting and calmed slowly down. Now she just stared at the beautiful face in front of hers. It seems like only now, after she calmed down, she realized how close they're faces actually were and Nick seemed to notice this now too. One of them had just to lean forward a little bit and they're lips would meet each others.



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So this were two Chapters on one day! Like I said in this Chapter would be more Amy and Nick moments! In the next one there will be for the first Time some Sibling interaction and of Course Amy and Nick moments! Tell me what do you think so far? And should I make Amy and Nick attend to the events that are happening in the movie or do you want that I write something else? Because I'm still not sure! And remember Nick isn't the Bad Guy in this! To all the People who voted and left a comment a big Thanks to you. That means so much to me😊. Sorry for Grammar errors! Feel free to correct me!
Best wishes ❤

Insane Nights! Nick Goode (FS: 1994-1666)Where stories live. Discover now