Chapter IV : A demon was left

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Aisuru:"Oh no...I think I broke them"

Everyone who was watching were trapped in a state of shock because they just saw the thoughts of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka,who was one of the students in the white room

Before all this happened,they all thought that Ayanokouji was just a regular boring student who didn't have anything special about him,but now that they knew about this white room place and how it was all connected to this so called 'boring student',they all were expecting something horrible happening to him since he was enrolled in that place,but seeing his thoughts after he experienced hell was honestly very surprising and scary to them. They all saw that he was slowly losing his emotions only on the first day and yet he was still able to survive that place for 12 more years of his life

Aisuru:'What should I do? They are all so quiet, I tried reading their minds but it all said the same thing,'How was he able to survive that place if on the first day he was already losing his humility?' Well, not everyone was thinking that way'

Sakayanagi:'They are probably thinking on how he was able to survive that place for so long if this happened after the first day, how stupid,the whole reason he was able to survive that place for so long was precisely because of what happened after the first day,if that didn't happen then he wouldn't have become that place's masterpiece'

Ryuen:'Wow,the whole place is quiet,Hah! They're probably thinking about such stupid things like how the monster was able to survive that place or something, Of course he was able to survive, he's a monster after all'

Horikita:'So this is why he doesn't show his emotions, because he got rid of them, because he thought they were useless,but that still doesn't make sense,if he doesn't have any emotions then he should have been fine living in that place ,so why did he leave that place then?'

Aisuru:'Anyway,this won't be a reaction fic if they don't react on anything, I'll give them a special drink so that they all recover from this State of shock they're in, I'll add in a relaxing potion so that they don't over react....Also,I should stop calling these potions 'special drinks', there messing with my head and makes me want to drink them'

Suddenly, drinks appeared in front of everyone

Aisuru:"Alright everyone, drink that potion-er.....special drinks I've given you so that you can all go back to your old regular selves"

Everyone started drinking the potion and started to feel relaxed

Aisuru:"Alright everyone,are you all feeling better?"

Hiyori:"I'm feeling a lot better now Ai-san,Thank you"

Ichinose:"Yeah Ai-san, I'm feeling better now too, it's just that...well.. it's nothing,anyway Thank you Ai-san" 'I never knew Ayanokouji-kun suffered so much,After this I'm going to help him, help him, just like he helped me"

Karuizawa:'Ichinose-san sure acted weird there for a second..... could it be that she's in love with.....No no no no ,I must be imagining things, and even if she is,I won't let her steal him away from me, I'll be the one to help him once we get back,and maybe then he'll....wait no! What am I thinking! Am I love with him? Wait no ! Bad Kei !'

Aisuru:'Wow, young love is amazing'

Hirata:"I had no idea that this was the reason he doesn't show his emotions until now" 'Maybe these videos will let me get to know him more,once I do I'll help him overcome it,just like what he did for me'

Sudo:"Still, everything pretty much makes sense now,why he doesn't show his emotions I mean"

Ryuen:"You only figured that out now,It should have been obvious from the moment he was enrolled to that place,Who knew that you were this stupid"

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