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The Ball Went on for Three days and three nights.

But all good things must come to an end, and when it did, all gems of which were present returned to their posts.

Pink was ecstatic to have her Pearl, and so she spent every moment of every day at her garden.

Black drowned herself in her work, mercilessly doing everything in her power to make the Perfect Army of Loyal Subjects.

5000 years pass by, 5000 years of work in pursuit of Perfection.

Looking through her old Files, Black finds an old colony called "Earth".

She looked at the H²O based planet. She then realized this was Pink's Earth Colony, the one she never finished planning.

Black Diamond sat on her Black Throne, activating a Voice Call to White's Room.

"Black! How wonderful to finally hear from you! What is it that you need?"

"Hello, White. I was thinking, we should give Pink her first colony."

"What? Oh, yes. That. I'm afraid I can't do that, Black."

Black started to get slightly angry, "Why is that? White."

"Black, you know she's a Defect. I simply can't give her a colony--"


"Good, you see why I can't--"

"I'll just give her one, myself."

The Dark Gem hung up the video call as she called Pink's Garden.

The Pink gem ran up to the projector.

"Hi, Black! We haven't talked in ages!"

"Hello, Pink. I trust that you are well?"


"Well, that's good. Because I just have spectacular news."

"Really? What is it!"

"I've decided to give you a Planet, a Colony."

Pink jumped up and down with excitement.

"I've decided to give you a Planet Named Earth. It's just outside my star maps."

"Thank you, Black!"

"You're welcome, Pink."

"I'll see you soon, Black!"


Pink ended the call and grabbed her Pearl, but she was stopped by Spinel, who wanted to come with them.

Pink walked past her but was blocked again.

"Spinel! I have an idea! Let's play a game!"

"I'll show you how it's done!"

"Here in the garden, stand very still."

"This will be so much fun!"

Pink smiled at Spinel and ran with Pearl to the warp pad.

They then warped away.

Pink took care of her first colony with Pride. Everything about the planet seems to amaze her.

"The First Quartz Soldiers are due to arrive soon."

Pink Diamond gasped in surprise, "Finally! Something exciting!"

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