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The way Black Diamond ran her colonies was incredible. Hundreds of gems are made every year. Yellow Diamond herself could only produce a fraction of the production routine.

With 500,000 gems for each of her armies, colonizing and taking over planets were a breeze.

Every defect had a specific place in Black Diamond's 'Project' folder. Though, Black Diamond either forgot about it, or didn't care for what she was going to do with the gems anymore.

Black Diamond knew of several Planets of which off colors resided, all of them being destroyed, along with the gems being shattered.

There was no room for defects among Black Diamond's perfect colonies.

But, contrary to popular belief, Black was basically a Power Hungry child. Always wanting more and more, and acting like a child when Pearl wasn't watching. Refusing to do work because, 'I don't wanna!' Pearl would then have to take care of Black's work while she calmed down. Black Pearl didn't mind in the slightest. Infact, she found it amusing that the most powerful gem in the universe could act like such a child.


"Yes, my Diamond?"

"Go get my emotional support gemmm."

"Okay, my Diamond."

Black Diamond lied, face down, on her floor. Waiting for Her Pearl to get back with Obsidian, her emotional support gem.

"She's here, my Diamond."


Black Diamond quickly got up and lifted the dark-colored gem in the air.

"H-Hello, my Diamond.."

"Hi, Obby."

Black Diamond proceeded to lie on her side, holding Obsidian while Pearl oversaw her colonies.


"So how do I set up a meeting with Black Pearl, Yellow?"

"Usually, you would have to get through security."


"Black Diamond's agates, jaspers, Amethysts, so on."

"Alright.. Where do I start?"

"Well, we're going to warp there."

"Why? Isn't she here of Homeworld?"

"She is, but walking to the other side of the Palace is absurd."

Steven, Yellow, and their Pearls, warped to where Security started.

"Yellow Diamond, Pink Diamond. Yellow Pearl, Defect." The Holly Blue Agate addressed.

"Defect?!" Pearl exclaimed.

"When you,and Her Clarity, Black Pearl emerged. There were so many flaws with you.. That's one of the reasons Black Diamond gave you to Pink. In my Diamond's own words, 'A Defect is only fit for another defect.'" An Amethyst guard explained.

"Well I never--"

"Pearl!.. It's fine.."


They were all asked to show their weapons.

Pearl with her Spear. Yellow Pearl with her Whip. Steven with his Shield, and Yellow Diamond with her Sword.

It was quite obvious both Guard Gems were trying to stifle laughter.

"Um..What's so funny." Steven asked.

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