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Before I fell asleep I had forgotten to close my curtains. This had to be the biggest mistake of my life because once it had reached 9:00am the sunlight and my internal clock kicked in. I woke up exhausted still and turned to check my phone. Clay was still on the call and I groan. I know he heard me and calls out.

"Y/n are you awake?! Why are you up?!"

I groan again and throw my arm over my face. I wish I could just go back to sleep.

"Yeh I'm awake... sadly."

Concern laces Clays voice as he speaks.

"How come what happened?! A nightmare?"

I laugh a little as I try to sit up and get motivated to wake up.

"The sun woke me up... I want to fall into my couch I'm so tired..."

Clay giggles a bit and hangs up the call. Now even more confused and in a bad mood I throw a blanket over my head. Then I hear my phone ring again. Clay had called me back, but this time on FaceTime. Without thinking I just accept the call.


There are a couple more giggles but also a shocked tone from Clay.

"Yeah this is my face haha. You got a nice face there yourself little sis."

I sit there stunned. He had never shown anyone his face other than Sapnap, but that's because he lives with him.

"Clay... why?!"

He sits there smiling with his dumbass bright smile and stupid floppy bed head hair.

"Also you look like a mess."

Clay starts to wheeze and I start to laugh a little as well.

"Y/n you look worse than I do what do you mean?!"

I quickly glance over to where my camera was on the screen and he in fact was correct. My hair was all over the place and there were massive eye bags under my eyes.

"Touché sir."

I make another loud sigh. I then began to think about Tommy. I lay back onto my couch and put the phone on the table near the couch. I still want to talk to Clay, but didn't want him to see me being a mess.

"Clay I don't know what to do."

He also sighs a bit.

"Hey sis please let me see you for a sec."

I pick back up the phone and position it to where I can see Clay again. I hadn't noticed before but it seemed tears were pooling in my eyes.

"Y/n I know you probably arnt feeling good right now especially with only getting around 3 hours of sleep. I though want you to call Tommy and explain everything."

My eyes go wide a bit. Call Tommy?! What if he doesn't want to talk to me? What if he doesn't answer?

"But... what... what if he doesn't want to talk to me? What if he ignores my calls?!"

Clay sighs and starts to type on his computer something.

"Okay I told Tommy to call you. I want you to settle this. I love you Y/n but I'm going yo hang up."

Poggers... (TommyInnit x reader)Where stories live. Discover now