Chp.8 Ice Cream With Senpai

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Later on that day, School ended early as the students were leaving to their houses...and yet it was a sunny day as summer was about to kick in any day...soon, Both Nagatoro and (YN) were both walking together home...and yet were beat and tired from the heat their dealing with...

Nagatoro: O-Oh hot...

(YN): know, you were being so worked up on your swimming club, you should take it easy on it.

Nagatoro: Y-Yeah...Oh! I know! Senpai, let's go get some shaved ice cream!

(YN): Shaved ice cream you say? Sounds good to me.

Nagatoro: Yeah, and there's a shop I like to go right around there! Come on Senpai! Let's go and get that cool shaved ice cream!

(YN): Hm.

(YN) and Nagatoro started making their run as they soon gave a turn to go over to the store...but then again...they realize that the store has a big line, a huge packed line, waiting to get the shaved ice cream...

Nagatoro: Oh Wha?!?? It wasn't like this when I came here last time!

(YN): Shit, that's a long line.

Nagatoro: Aw man! I shouldn't have known this will happen when they announce the shave ice cream on TV.

(YN): Yeah...oh well, might as well head home, I don't wanna be in this line-

Nagatoro soon grabs (YN)'s hand...

Nagatoro: We are getting that ice cream!! Let's get in line Senpai!

(YN): Uuuuuughhhh. Can't we just go to the ones they have in the convenience store and-

Nagatoro: Hell no! Those ice creams won't do good enough!

And so, (YN) and Nagatoro went to get in line and waited for them to get the special ice cream.


Half an hour just passed and yet the line was still big...and barely moving...and figuring for the heat on the sun...

(YN): God fucking damn it...the line barely moves an inch...

Nagatoro: D-Donr worry! J-Just keep waiting!

(YN) Mind: Oh man, Nagatoro doesn't sound good...has she even drank some water lately??

Then suddenly, (YN) heard some quiet chuckles behind him, and he sees two teenagers behind him...and yet laughing quietly...

(YN) Mind: Eh? The hell these two laughing-

The he notices that they were starting at Nagatoro from behind, and to see her red bra under her uniform, knowing with her sweat, it made it see through...

(YN) Mind: Assholes💢

(YN) soon step aside behind Nagatoro for the two teenagers not for them to see Nagatoro bra as he then chuckles about it...
Later on, (YN) and Nagatoro were both still in line as the line was already bigger and bigger...and yet haven't moved at all...and suddenly, Nagatoro was starting not to feel good, and yet her face was sweating and feeling dehydrated...

(YN): W-Woah Nagatoro, you're feeling alright? You don't seem okay.

Nagatoro: I-I'm fine..! J-Just...a-a bit...longer....!

(YN) Mind: No, this isn't fine. She's literally about to faint anytime, she's dehydrated, and yet wobbly already! ...Damn it, why...why the sudden I'm caring for her like this?? What the hell is this??? Nrrrgh! No time! I have to help her out now!

And suddenly, (YN) grabbed Nagatoro's hand as he pulls her with him, and gets out of the line alongside with her and yet running off to find shade...

Nagatoro: H-Hey! S-Senpai!

(YN): Don't worry, you'll thank me later!

Later afterwards, (YN) soon manage to find shade under a tree where a bench is at, as he sat Nagatoro down on the bench, walks over to a vending machine as he bought a water bottle for Nagatoro and himself...he goes back to her and hands her one...

(YN): Here, next time stay hydrated, or else you're gonna get a heat stroke.

Nagatoro: *blushing*Y-Yeah...Th-Thanks, Senpai...

(YN): No probs.

Nagatoro soon started drinking her water...and as finished he the whole thing...

Nagatoro: Ahhhhh!!! Alright! Fully charged! ...............Aww the ice cream.

(YN): *sighs* Yeah, sorry about that, I had no choice.

Nagatoro: It's fine...

(YN): Wanna go wait at the the line again?

Nagatoro: Nah, I'll go there next time...Oh! Wait here Senpai! I'll be back!

(YN): Oh, okay.

Nagatoro soon left as (YN) stood alone...while waiting, he started to think about what he did earlier...

(YN) Mind: That moment...when I dragged Nagatoro out the line...I had this...weird ass feeling, it was like I...was worried for her...but of course I had to! What else I need to feel?! But's not just the worried was...something was kinda like...a warm feeling...yeah like that! It was like-

Nagatoro: I'm back!

(YN): O-Oh! Hey, so where did you went?

Nagatoro: To buy these!

(YN) realizes Nagatoro holding two cup of ice creams with spoons as well...

(YN): Oh, so you took my advice then?

Nagatoro: Yup, ice cream is ice cream, here I bought one for you Senpai!

(YN): Oh....Thank you.

Nagatoro: Hehe! No problem!

And so, Nagatoro and (YN) sat down the two started enjoying eating their cup ice creams...and yet, Nagatoro stares at (YN) as she tells him...

Nagatoro: Hey, Senpai?

(YN): Yeah?

She soon gave a smile on her face while she was blushing as she says to (YN)...

Nagatoro: Thank you again for earlier, and for the water as well, I appreciate you helping me.

(YN) suddenly got a bit red as he replies...

(YN): N-No worries.

And they went back eating their ice for (YN)...he started to have the feeling he was talking About before....

(YN) Mind: There it is again..! That feeling...! It's's was trying to make me smile?? And yet be happy?? And it feels warm as what the hell?? Why I have it??? ...*sighs* Who even acted about that right now...but...all I eating Ice cream with Nagatoro. Hehe...


18Y/O Hayase Nagatoro x Male Senpai ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant